Tuesday 30 August
After yet another week off, 14 starters took to the course today to play in a stableford competition, sponsored by the Bodalla Bakery.
A Grade: The winner was Shirley Quinlan with 38 points. Dorothy Madden came second with a score of 37 points
B Grade winner was Kerrie Sands with an amazing 43 points (which cost her handicap three strokes!). Second place went to Marilyn Bingham on 35 points.
Nearest the pin on the 6th was Jenny Reilly and on the 15th was Dorothy Madden.
Golden Hole winners were Leonie Snodgrass and Jeanette Miller.
Balls went to Jeanette Miller.
Many thanks to our sponsor, the Bodalla Bakery.

Above: Shirley Quinlan and Kerrie Sands