Tuross Head Country Club medley stableford Thursday May 4 2023
A depleted field but quality golf today with two significant milestones being achieved.
Our illustrious Secretary, Michael Coloe, achieved his life long golfing ambition with a hole in one on the fourth after an 8 week break serving his nation in the NT.
Al Gannon also hit a goal, a win with 41 points and more importantly entered the mystic realm of single figure golf. Congratulations to them and all the other winners. The men's championship on the coming two weeks 13/20 May.
Get your names down to avoid disappointment.
ALLEN GANNON 41 stableford points, IAN MILLER 38, PETER GARN 38,
Ball Winners
Paul MEDWIN 36 stableford points, Colin HOUGHTON 36, Allan LANGFORD 35,
Leonie DOOLAN 34, Michael COLOE 34, Ian KINGSTON 33, Ian MCMANUS 32, Lars GAUPSET 32, Paul ISRAEL 31, Jim WADE 31.
Nearest the Pins
4th hole: Mike Coloe Hole in One,
6th hole: Colin Houghton 0.69m, 7th Lars Gaupset 8.72m.
Tuross Head Country Club stableford medley Saturday May 6 2023
Tuross golfers provided a reasonable field with some high scores. An occasional player and
member had the game of his life with 42 points and the ball rundown started at 37 points.
Remember we have the men's championships start next week end so get your names in.
RODNEY BOWRON 42 stableford points, NIICK BRICE 39, PETER HOGAN 39,
Ball Winners
Peter JOHNSTON 37 stableford points, John EGLITIS 37, Herb MURIWAI 37, John PHYLAND 36, Ian MCMANUS 35, Michael ALLEN 35, Leigh COLOE 35, Reginald APPS 35, Steve JOHNSTON 34, Martin BOOTH 33.
Nearest the Pins
4th hole Peter Johnston 0.86m, 6th 6t Leigh Coloe 2.00m.
Above: Tuross golf president David Schmid awards hole in one winner Michael Coloe.
Photo: Courtesy Tony Brown.