Eurobodalla will move to Level 2 water restrictions from Sunday 5 April.saying there had been enough rain to allow pumping of water from the shire’s rivers to the storage facility at Deep Creek Dam, now three quarters full, to continue.
“We still need to conserve water,” Eurobodalla Council’s director of infrastructure Warren Sharpe said.
“Moving to Level 2 restrictions means the limit of one hour per day for watering is removed, giving householders more time to water their gardens.
“However, outdoor water use is still restricted to either a hand-held hose or a single drip irrigation system, between the hours of 6-8am or 6-8pm.”
Mr Sharpe said within these times existing pools could be topped up and new pools filled, still with a hand-held hose only.
“Motor flushing at boat ramps is allowed again but washing watercraft is still banned. Fish cleaning taps will remain closed and fishers should continue to use bucketed salt water,” he said.
“The full list of what is and is not allowed under Level 2 water restrictions can be found on Council’s website, including restrictions applicable to businesses. I urge everyone to follow the restrictions – there are fines for those who misuse our precious water.
“Recent events have shown we never know what’s coming next, so maintaining good reserves of water is crucial.”
Visit for information on water restrictions, Deep Creek Dam storage level, and information on how to save water.