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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Trades and Businesses : How well are you marketing yourselves for free?

Businesses across the South East are soon to be cold called to see if they would like to advertise in a glossy 64 page booklet to be distributed to 14,000 residences. The adverts range from a full page for $660 including GST to a half page for $390 incl GST and a quarter page for $250 incl GST !!!!! That is big money for a guide that will sit next to the phone directory and be looked at once or twice by someone who doesn't have the internet. BEFORE YOU spend a single dollar on advertising yourself, your trade or your business, with any newspaper (including The Beagle) you have to ask yourself "Where do I go to find a local tradie or business?" 99% of you would say GOOGLE. SO helpful advice #1. Have you told Google about your business? Google My Business is easy and it is free? It is free to create your Business Profile on Google. Create your profile at no cost, and you can manage your business from Google Search and Maps to start reaching more customers. Is all the effort worth it? The simple answer is YES. Local search is an integral element of a comprehensive digital marketing campaign, and Google Business Profile is a huge and ever-growing factor. Give it a try - go looking for someone in the same trade or business as you in your area and see who comes up. You will find their website, images, where they are, their phone number and even references. If you don't have a Google Business listing then know the reason why others are getting the work.

Helpful advice #2 You don't need a website. With Google My Business now set up people now know where to find you. If you are a tradie all you need is a business card that says what you do - It doesn't have to be a real hard cardboard card - just an image of a card you might make if you wanted a business card. Now find the places where prospective clients are. Your local Facebook Notice Boards. Usually one day a week the moderators of these boards will allow business promotion. All you need to do is to just post your graphic image of your card, along with any other photos you want and provide a link to your business Facebook page. What, you don't have a Facebook Business Page? It is free and it works. So get to it. The following video might help:

If you have done both of the steps above then you are miles ahead. A Facebook post to a local FB Notice board once a month will do way more in promoting your business than any listing in a glossy throwaway directory. Helpful advice #3

Now that you have Google My Business and a Business Facebook account along with a "business card" you can then pay to advertise in a local paper like the Bay Post but keep in mind that fewer and fewer people are buying local newsprint. News is online. It is now. On your device. The days of buying a paper to find out what happened last week are gone with the last remaining audience looking for the TV lift-out of mega crossword. that they can get for free with the still-published free Independent. One more option for your graphic "business card" is to send it to The Beagle where it can be added to our free Community Trades and Business Directory that is another popular quick stop for people looking for local service providers. If you follow the above you have lifted the profile of your business considerably - and all for free. All of the above is the reason newspapers are crying poor. Those who used to advertise in the paper are thinking outside of the old ways and embracing the new. The Beagle is supported by local businesses who advertise as they know the effective reach of The Beagle readership and that The Beagle is free to read. Advertising rates in The Beagle are kept to a minimum to allow small, local businesses to advertise. It is also by way of their advertisements that they support the overheads to bring independent news to their community. At the end of the day your business needs to be discovered by your clients. Do all the free things first and then, and only then, think about advertising with your hard earned dollars.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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