Moruya River.
Cold and uninviting would be the best way to describe the river at the moment. With very little action to report on, there isn’t a lot I can say that is different from last week.
The start of the wattle blooming, is traditionally the signal that the bream will be starting to repopulate the rivers after their spawn has been completed. We can expect them to be starting to look at having a feed after their activities.
Bladed style lures or small soft plastics will tempt a hungry post spawn fish.
Tuross River.
The same can be said for Tuross as can be said for Moruya, cold and uninviting! Over the next few weeks the bream activity will start to increase as in Moruya, with post span fish starting to look for a feed. You will find that a lot of the bream will be light in condition as the spawn does tend to knock the weight off them.
Bladed lures and small soft plastics worked along the deeper holes will go along way to finding a fish.
Rock and Beach.
The salmon schools have been thick and consistent this last week, with the majority of the fish action concentrated along our vast and spectacular coastline. A pilchard rigged on a paternoster rig and gang hooks is the standard rig for most of your beach fishing. While metals cast and retrieved in the suds can also be a productive and fun way to find a fish or two. The salmon have all been in great condition, with fish to 60cm the norm.
The drummer also continue to be on the chew off the local rock ledges, as are the crays for those keen to get wet.
Snapper have been the main stay for those going out for a fish this last week. The winds and seas are on the rise a bit for this weekend, so conditions won’t be the best if you are planning on heading out this weekend.
Looking at the sea surface temp charts today, I was surprised to sea a strong push of warmer water all the way down past the Victorian border. This is something we don’t normally see till later in the year. I’m not sure what it will mean for those heading out wide, but Yellowfin tuna could be on the cards still.
We have just had 2 pallets of Kings gear arrive today, along with the start of a few bits from our fishing suppliers. As previously seen on our socials, I have started to make space on the lure wall for new items that are on the way, so all that stock to be moved has hit the 50% off bin. Get in now and check out what is there.
The bait freezer is stocked again, with whole mullet, 1kg salted pilchards and small tubs of worms unavailable at the moment. But we have ample stock of everything else.
Stay safe and remember, “every days a good day for fishing…”
Team Tackle World Moruya.

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