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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Tackle World Fishing Report Sept 2nd 2022

Moruya River.

With the snot weed in fairly high concentrations from the upper tidal limits, down to the mid to lower sections, the fishing in Moruya has been slow this last week. The lower section have still seen a few smaller salmon and the odd small tailor working areas from the quarry wharf down to the bar itself. There has been a few flathead in the lower sections, but with the cold water, maximum effort has been required to catch a few fish.

The rock wall along Preddy’s wharf and into the hole in the wall has the potential for a few bream and Trevally to be holding along it. Soft plastics worked back into and along the wall can bring them unstuck for those with boats or kayaks.

With spring now in the air, we are waiting the warmer air and water temps to kick start the system back into action.

Above the tidal limit, the Bass are starting to return back into the sweet water sections after their winter breeding cycle. I managed 2 very fat healthy fish last weekend on TT Striker spinner baits. Both fish were in excess of 45cm after I measured the net head length to get a better ideal of the overall size. On the way out I spooked another 3 or so fish that would have all been 40-45cm. Early season basing is where it is at for me, with all my big specimens coming to the net this time of year. Bring on the summer heat and some surface action!!

Tuross River.

Tuross has also been a little on the quiet side this last week. I haven’t heard if it is suffering from the same snot weed that Moruya is at the moment. Although flathead are still being caught here, the numbers are still very low compared to the usual reports we get from this system. Tuross however, will be the first system to kick off with the flathead bite, as it has extensive flats systems that have a darker muddier substrate. This dark surface holds the heat quicker, and as such causes the water temp to warm faster than other areas. We should only be a few weeks off the early flathead bite starting up.

For the bass guys, start looking to the lower fresh section of the system as the post spawning fish make their way back upstream. The same can be said for the Clyde system north of us.

Rock and Beach.

I have been getting mixed reports from the beach and rock wall crews this week. Some guys are getting lots, others nothing. Persistence is the key here. One good indicator if fishing the Moruya breakwall will be the numbers of anglers on the wall. Lots = better than average chance of getting fish, none = well none! Think of fishers like a school of feeding birds, activity generally is a sign of activity. Check the Moruya bar cam to see if the wall is active if you want to give it a crack.


Snapper continue to be reported in 30-40m of water during the day, while they have also been reported in as little as 15m of water first thing in the morning. Flathead, although a little small, have been reported in 15-20m of water along most sandy bottomed areas.

As for the game crews, I haven’t had any reports this week. Looking at the sea surface temps, there appears to be the start of a warm current making its way down the coast though. Only a matter of time now!

Stay safe everyone and remember, “every days a good day for fishing…”

Team Tackle World Moruya.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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