Members of the Tuross and Eurobodalla communities, visitors, concerned friends, and family are encouraged to voice their opinion about a housing development adjacent to Coila' Lake's unique and endangered ecosystem. This development is going ahead based on an approval from over 35 years ago without having to satisfy modern environmental and cultural protection regulation, or authentic engagement with the community.
The development has materially changed since approval, and these changes are open for community comment.
To learn more: (1) Join this facebook group: (2) Read the submissions from experts and community members alike, and develop your own submission from the available materials or from your own concerns. Feel free to voice your opinion by submitting an application for/against the development prior to 16/7/2021 : (3) Share this message across family and friends across our community. Share photos and memories of your time in and around this region to encourage participation by others. (4) Sign the petition
The Change.Org petition reads (1,189 have already signed) : Protect Coila’s fragile ecosystem
This beautiful green space home to kangaroos, echidna’s, black cockatoos, snakes and lizards and endangered plants is under threat. The Eurobodalla council is giving you the opportunity to speak out about a dense new housing development of more than 70 houses that threaten one of the last green spaces on the Tuross / Coila “isthmus”. The development proposes over 75 houses in total. 60 houses between Monash Avenue and Lake Coila, and around 20 between the golf Club and Coila.

What were you doing in 1983?
This endangered and fragile ecosystem was approved for development in 1983 without modern environmental or cultural studies to assess its impact.
The development has lain dormant for over 35 years and whilst the world has advanced its views on the impact of humans on our environment, our council and governments have not. Once approved, always approved!
Delicate ecosystem/saltmarsh
Part of the lake area immediately adjacent to the DA zone is a delicate saltmarsh ecosystem listed as an endangered ecological community under the NSW threatened species Act in the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia and as a State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) 14 Wetland. It is a most significant habitat, containing the endangered plant species Wilsonia Rotundifolia of which there are only a few known populations left in NSW. Coila is one of only four incredibly unique ecosystems (ICOLLS) in NSW.
The lake, wetlands and foreshores also provide habitat for at least 47 species of native birds. Three of these are classified as 'threatened' - the little tern, hooded plover and pied oystercatcher. The eastern curlew, bar-tailed godwit, red-necked stint and sharp-tailed sandpiper are among the many migratory birds occurring seasonally at Coila Lake that are protected under international agreements."
In the knowledge of this and recent positive steps to preserving the unique ecological value of Lake Coila and surrounds, surely the Council cannot let such a major development take place without rigorous environmental research?
Lack of cultural study
Because this development was approved in 1983, no formal study was produced for the development assessing the impact on the cultural heritage of the area. The Coila Lake area and associated Bingi Dreaming Track have been designated a `culturally sensitive landscape’ (Eurobodalla Aboriginal Heritage Study: Stage Four. December 2008).
We are aware that over 10 years ago a significant number of houses were cut from the development adjacent to Coila and near Monash Avenue. However, in the area slated for 20 houses between the golf club and Chauvel Crescent, there has been no rigourous assessment of cultural impact.
Poorly designed development
There are numerous issues in the proposed plans and they include:
1. Removal of trees in Reserve to create a Bushfire Asset Protection Zone.
2. Unsuitability of the road pavement of Chauvel Cres to handle increased traffic.
3. Inappropriate and unsafe use of Chauvel Cres as a through road and as an emergency route.
6. Complete change in character of Chauvel Cres due to density & smaller lot sizes.
7. Increased traffic volume on a quiet street (Chauvel Crescent)
8. Impact on access to Golf Course and Men’s Shed.
How can you learn more?
(1)Access information on the ESC website about development MDA0124/20. Feel free to voice your opinion by submitting an application against the development prior to 16/7/2021 :
(2) Email us to share with you the latest written objections and submissions to council prepared by the local community.
(3) Email the eurobodalla shire council development team: OR
(4) Become a member of the Tuross Head Progress Association who will be heavily involved in remedying this situation