Community concerns and crash analysis are driving the decision to permanently reduce the speed zone on George Bass Drive at Broulee from next week.
A Transport for NSW Spokesperson said, from Thursday 5 May the speed will drop from 100 km/h to 80 km/h along the four kilometre section starting 500 metres north of Estuary Way to 200 metres south of Broulee Road.

“The review of this speed zone was in direct response to multiple requests from members of the community,” the spokesperson said.
“Many voiced their concerns for children attending the schools along this section of road, and noting near misses at the intersections with Annetts Parade and Broulee Road.
“This section of road has a poor crash history and the speed reduction would help improve safety along this stretch.
“For the five years from 1 October 2015 there were nine crashes recorded, including eight resulting in 15 casualties.”
Transport for NSW completed a review of the existing speed zone in accordance with the NSW Speed Zoning Guidelines.
Message boards will be onsite two weeks before, and one week following, the speed zone reduction.