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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

ScomMo, Perrottet and McDiven to determine Liberal candidate to contest Eden Monaro

The Federal Executive of the Liberal Party has resolved unanimously to intervene and appoint a Committee to take over the management of the NSW Division which includes making a "Captain's Call" on who will be selected to contest Eden Monaro. "The shambles which has left a swathe of seats without Liberal candidates until so close to the election reflects the dysfunction of the division due to extreme factional infighting, including the determination of the minority Morrison-Hawke faction to use whatever muscle it could muster to make up for its lack of numbers." The Conversation

source Liberal candidates to challenge the current Federal member for Eden Monaro, Kristy McBain are thin on the ground at best. Three challenges to date by failed-candidate, Fiona Kotvojs of Dignams Creek, have met with embarrassing loss to the Liberals; Two at a Federal level and one more recently at a State level. While the Prime Minister and the NSW Premier openly endorsed Fiona Kotvojs as their best candidate in the past three elections it appears that they have learnt that Ms Kotvojs was not as popular as they might have been led to believe. It is understood that there are two possible Liberal candidates with their hands up, eager to get the nod if the Selection committee of Morrison, Perrottet and McDiven approve. One, an ex-councillor of Queanbeyan Council, is free to stand having failed to be re-elected in the 2021 Local elections with just 51 votes. Having also failed to pass pre-selection for the Liberal party on a previous election it will be interesting if the "Captain's pick" will give him the nod. The other possible is an unknown other than that he is ex-navy. While everyone knows of Morrison and Perrottet they might not have heard of Christine McDiven. McDiven was the former State President of the Liberal Party (NSW Division), and was the first female Federal President of the Liberal Party, and led the Party through most of the Howard Government. No doubt any Liberal candidate they endorse to challenge Kristy McBain for Eden Monaro will be little more than nodding parrots to their masters.

VIDEO: Morrison worries that Labor has never done a budget but tells us that 3 + 4 = 8 Video: ABC News - source

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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