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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Road Reserve community asset given the boot by blinkered bureaucrats

The Beagle Editor,

The latest step in the saga of the Crown Road Reserve off Turnbulls Lane is the confirmation by Crown Lands of the sale to one landowner (presumably the Lot 6 landowner) to facilitate the Council’s desired no management responsibility outcome.

The proposal for the Turnbulls Road Reserve to become a public recreation asset that the neighbouring community would continue to manage as it has done for over the past five years has been obliterated.

The Council’s own ‘recreation and open space’ strategy gives high priority for bike, horse and walking trails in item E13, a major opportunity for the reserve that could not penetrate council’s mindset for packing into our open spaces as many rate payers as possible. Given Moruya’s Lot 6 Turnbulls Lane subdivision for 97 house lots and the Francis Street subdivision of 95 house lots, is there a need to destroy longstanding public right-of-ways to gain more house blocks? The 20-metre-wide road reserve also serves as an essential firebreak providing through- access for Rural Fire Service vehicles.

The environmental benefits of the road reserve as a green buffer with its important trees that would minimise the visual and heat impact of an extensive expanse of urban roofs, the possibility of a community managed recreation route for community use and the demise of the last historic albeit paper, remnant of Lagoon Road is now lost forever. Whether the reserve becomes either a road or house blocks it is highly likely the important trees will go. It is a kick in the face for the Swan Ridge Place neighbours who have lost an asset, although one they did not own, but for several years did manage and enjoy.

The road reserve can now be purchased for a price being determined by the Valuer General, although in May this year, it was priced by Crown Lands for the Lot 6 owner at the rate or $39,187 per ha. According to the most recent advice from Crown Lands, the revaluated price will not be made public.

Thanks to our State member Dr Holland and local Councillors Worthington and Mayne who support the value of community owned public space and land caring, the local natural environment, and the importance of a protected recreation area for community well-being.

Above: The two clumps of important trees supposed ‘to be retained’!

Juliet Ramsay

Swan Ridge Place, Moruya

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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