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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Next Council meeting March 22nd 2022

Eurobodalla Shire Councillors will be holding their next Ordinary Council meeting on Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 11am. On the Agenda will be: Universal access to early learning (Thrive by Five Campaign)

Recognition of John Tilbrook

Gang Gang Cockatoo - endangered listing

Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and other Matters Returns

Investments made as at 28 February 2022

Policy Review for Exhibition - March 2022

Nomination to Gulaga National Park Board of Management

Draft Development Contributions Plans 2022

Agritourism Reforms

Reimbursement of Waste Disposal Fees - South Coast Donations Logistics

Temporary Accommodation - Bushfire Affected Properties

Here's a brief summary of what our councillors will be discussing:

Endorsing reforms to Australia's early learning and childcare systems

Councillor Worthington will move a motion to support the Thrive by Five campaign. The campaign calls upon National Cabinet to establish a universal, affordable, high quality early learning system across the nation.

Recognising John Tilbrook

Councillor Dannock will move a motion that the council recognise the significant community contribution of Progress Association volunteers and celebrate their role in the grassroots of Local Government. As an example of the tenacity, passion and contribution the Associations have the Tuross Head Progress Association secretary, John Tilbrook, is being recognised, via a plaque at the Tuross Head intersection bus shelter celebrating the role he played in safety improvements at the highway intersection and in relocating the bus stop for community safety.

What role does Council have aoround the Gang-gang Cockatoo?

The following question on notice was received from Councillor Mayne: Question In light of the recent Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act listing of the Gang-gang Cockatoo as endangered what role does Council currently have in helping protect these birds, including the protection of habitat trees in current and future development sites?

Council general manager Dr Catherine Dale has responded. You can read that response HERE Policies on public exhibition Council intends to place the following draft policies for the purposes of public consultation for a period of 28 days:

· Collection Domestic Waste Bins

· Collection Litter Bins

· Community Gardens

· Competitive Provision of Services

· Compliance

· Conservation of the Yellow-Bellied Glider in the Broulee Area

· Chrome Arsenate (CCA) Management

· Councillor Professional Development, Expenses and Facilities Policy

· Creative Arts Services Policy

Gulaga National Park Board of Management

Council will be nominating a Councillor and alternative Councillor for appointment to the Gulaga National Park Board of Management with the term of appointment be for this term of Council.

More plans on public exhibition

Eurobodalla Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2022 and the draft Eurobodalla s7.12 Contributions Plan 2022 are earmarked to be on public exhibition for 28 days. Basically the intent is to increase developer contributions to cover the cost of providing and maintaining infrastructure to support those developments.

Agritourism reforms

The councillors will be asked to vote on a recommendation to to endorse changes to the Eurobodalla Local Environmental Plan 2012 that will increase opportunities for farm gate premises and farm gate experience developments on farms. These changes would allow those currently restricted to be able to run farm-stay tourism ventures from their properties depending on their zoning.

Reimbursing a not-for-profit for bushfire-related costs

A request has been submitted by South Coast Donations Logistics to seek reimbursement for the waste disposal fees associated with the disposal of excess donated items that were unsuitable, or unusable, and therefore unable to be provided to those impacted by the 2019/2020 bushfire disaster. The fees are of a value of $1,381.00, being for the disposal of excess household items, mattresses and mixed waste donated during the bushfire recovery efforts. South Coast Donations Logistics is a not-for-profit community group. The fees were paid to dispose of various household items, mattresses, and mixed waste accumulated during the bushfire recovery efforts. The report recommends approval for the reimbursement of the waste disposal fees associated with disposal of excess donated items.

Temporary accommodation - bushfire affected properties

A report will be tabled to advise Councillors of legislative changes to the movable dwelling exemption for bushfire affected communities and to seek endorsement from Council as to how to move forward. The NSW Government introduced amendments to the Local Government Regulations concerning caravan parks, campgrounds and moveable dwellings in 2020 after the 19/20 Black Summer Bushfires. These amendments made it possible for bushfire affected landowners to reside in a moveable dwelling for a period of two years while they rebuilt or found new accommodation. The NSW Government has now introduced further amendments in late October 2021 which require Councils to amend their Local Approvals Policy (LAP) to allow for these affected landowners to continue to reside for an additional period of time. Eurobodalla Shire Council does not have a Local Approvals Policy and in order to comply with these requirements would need Council to resolve to prepare a policy, exhibit the draft policy and report the policy back to Council for adoption or amendment. This process is likely to take a minimum of six months. It is therefore proposed to seek Council endorsement to resolve to allow these members of the community to extend their current temporary housing until Council formulates and adopts a policy on temporary accommodation for bushfire affected properties. You can read the full agenda in detail HERE

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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