25 entrants participated in a medley stableford event on Monday 4th Sept
Two divisions: Div 1: 0-29 Div 2: 30-45
The division 1 winner was Sylvia Donohoe with a score of 37 off a handicap of 3
The division 2 winner was Heather McMillan with a score of 37 C/B off a handicap of 30
Balls to 32
Nearest to Pin:
Hole 3, Div 2 Janice Eardley
Hole 17, Div 1 Stew Fowler
33 entrants participated in a Par (4) event on Wednesday 6th Sept
Two divisions: Div 1: 0-28 Div 2: 29-45
The division 1 winner was Lisa Beveridge with a score of +4 off a handicap of 23
The runner-up was Bec Smart with a score of +3 C/B
The division 2 winner was Ann Durnan with a score of +4 off a handicap of 34
The runner-up was Libby Shortridge with a score of +3 off a handicap of 34
Nearest to Pin:
Hole 9, Div 2, Lisa Beveridge
Hole 14, Div 3, Tania Burr
Grade A winner on Monday 4th Sept, Sylvia Donohoe.