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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Narooma Dog Training Club, a Branch of Animal Welfare League, advise

REPORTS OF DOG ATTACKS IN EUROBODALLA By Yve Robinson We are about to enter the Christmas break and can expect Interstate and City visitors to arrive with their dogs for their holidays. A few dog attacks have been reported in our area, none to my knowledge serious. We all need to be aware that suddenly you and your pet may find yourselves in a confrontation, which can be frightening. The NATA Oval, Narooma, is a public park as well as a designated dog leash free area. Always check that dog free areas are being used sensibly and that dogs are playing under the watchful eye of an owner. Check that all gates are shut before releasing your dog. Many parents also take their children to NATA Oval, and can easily be frightened by boisterous dogs. Some beaches are time share only so do check with Council before you let your dog loose. Kianga Reef Beach is leash free all year round and is very popular with local and visitor owners. Try and pick a time when it’s not too busy and watch out for any hazards, and make sure your dog will come back to you when called, then you can take control of most situations. If the beach is close to a busy road, as is Kianga Reef which is reached by negotiating a long flight of steps, always put your pet back on the lead before leaving the beach area. I have seen many dogs run ahead of the owners and straight onto the road. A recipe for disaster. It can happen so quickly. If you are unfortunate to be confronted by an off leash dog that rushes up to your dog suddenly, then do try and stay calm. Tell your dog to Sit/Stay beside you, stand still, while the owner collects their dog. DO NOT SHOUT at the offending animal, this only rouses your dog as well as the offender. Ask the owner politely to put his dog on the lead and remind him that all dogs should be on the lead in public places. The Council Rangers will be about and the fines are quite large. The above all sounds quite civilised but sometimes dog attacks get aggressive and not all owners are interested in watching their animal’s behaviour. You may happen to own a dog that is shy, nervous or overprotective of you. If the situation gets out of control, make sure you don’t get between the two dogs. Let your dog loose so that it can decide whether to fight or run, most dogs prefer the latter. Most dogs do not fight once the other dog has submitted by rolling over onto its back. In the event that your dog gets injured and needs veterinary attention try to get the name, address and phone number of the dog’s owner, so the vet expenses are charged to them. Just be aware of these situations, and both you are your dog will have a very happy relationship. SUMMER SAFETY FOR YOUR DOG

Did you know it takes only 10 minutes for the temperature inside a car to skyrocket by 20 degrees? That’s why it’s so important NEVER to leave pets in a car on a hot day! Dogs left in a parked car in warm temperatures can very quickly become distressed, dehydrated and even suffer organ failure. Unlike us, dogs can’t sweat to cool themselves down, so they are more prone to heat stress and more likely to die quickly in hot conditions, especially puppies and older dogs. Signs of heat stress are excessive panting, reddened gums, blood shot eyes, rapid breathing, salivating, wheezing, vomiting, weakness, staggering and loss of consciousness. If your dog is displaying any of these signs, get them into a cooler location quickly. Wet them down with tap water (not iced water) until their breathing settles down, and offer

them a drink of water. If the symptoms persist call your vet for advice.

Here are some easy tips from Instructors of the Narooma Dog Training Club that will help keep your dog cool this Summer:

• Provide shade, and plenty of cool, fresh water.

• Leave your dog in an area that it is well ventilated.

• Keep your dog out of the sun between 10am - 4pm.

• Hot footpaths and sand can burn a dog’s feet, so take that walk early in the morning or late in the day, as the sun goes down.

• Give your dog ice blocks to lick. Add vegetable or beef stock and they will love this special treat!

Being sun smart for yourself and your dog will ensure that everyone in the family has a safe and fabulous Summer. On behalf of everyone at the Narooma Dog Training Club Branch of Animal Welfare League, we wish you a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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