Narooma & District Lions Club Change Over 30th July 2023
The Narooma & District Lions Club held it’s 46th Change Over on Sunday 30th July, with a Christmas In July Theme.
Those that attended the Luncheon event were warmly welcomed by our M.C. Lion Wendy Litchfield. Among the guests were Lions Zone 5 Chair, Robyn Bedford, Past District Governor, Gordon Matthews and his wife, Lion Lyn Matthews, Bega Lions representative, Ross Sutor and representatives from View, Quota, Narooma Community & Mens Shed and Marine Rescue.
President Ricci Bishop gave a Report on the Clubs activities, highlights and fundraising for her year of 2022/23. From monies raised through such projects as the Dalmeny Community Markets, Lions Christmas Cake sales and other ventures, just over $4,000 was distributed in support of Local, National and International projects and disaster welfare. She also thanked local businesses for their ongoing support, with special recognition of the East family.
Nine members of the public were also recognized and thanked for being “Friends of Lions”. Di Nott, Sue Fahey, Bronwyn Roll, Stephanie Hancock, Jenese Thelan, Wendy Mancell, Therese and Rob Gale and Mark Nugent. A “friend” is one who helps out a Lions Club when the need for an extra pair of hands or expertise is needed to get the job done.
The Incoming Board was Inducted by Robyn Bedford and comprises of, President, Ricci Bishop; Secretary, Tony Fahey; Treasurer, Wendy Litchfield and Lion Tamer, Robyn Miller and Sue Hybinett.
Not all was work though. There was a hilarious “Celebrity Heads” segment, with the lucky contestants, Ian Noormets, Steve Bishop and Brenda Cavey being selected at random from the room. Those that felt that they couldn’t fill the roll, were given the chance to escape by paying a fee of $5 and selecting another contestant.
The Raffle, consisting of a handmade ceramic plate, Lions Christmas cake and jar of local honey was won by Lyn Matthews.
Contributed by Ricci Bishop, PR for the Narooma & District Lions Club

Above: L to R Wendy Mancell, Steph Hancock and Bron Roll "Friends of Lions" and President Ricci Bishop