Transport for NSW advise that they are progressing with further design work on all three shortlisted options for the Moruya bypass.
The community of Moruya and surrounds have had their say on three shortlisted corridors for the Moruya bypass.
A Consultation Report summarising the feedback is now available.
Download the Consultation Report
Executive summary
Transport for NSW consulted the community and stakeholders about the preferred strategic bypass corridor for Moruya from 14 May 2021 to 14 June 2021.
In response to requests from the community for more information and increased access to Transport’s technical experts, further consultation on the three shortlisted bypass corridor options – Purple, Orange and Yellow - was undertaken from 4 April 2022 to 13 June 2022. During the 2021 consultation period for the preferred strategic corridor (see section 3),
Transport received more than 1,800 comments through emails, survey responses and the Map My Comment feature online. Most raised multiple themes, which have been captured in the feedback summary section of this report and were considered by the project team in its decision to open further consultation on the three shortlisted corridors.
For the 2022 consultation period on the three shortlisted corridor options (see section 4), Transport allowed extra time to ensure the community would have sufficient time to review new information, attend technical information sessions and community markets to meet the project team.
Transport provided more than 60 days for feedback to be received, allowing more than 1,500 community members to attend community markets and technical information sessions which resulted in just over 4,500 comments about the project from more than 650 community members.
Next steps
Transport for NSW will conduct further design work for all three shortlisted corridors to better understand the opportunities and challenges that all three corridors present.
The further design work will allow us to undertake a robust assessment of all three corridors against what is important to the community as well as the project’s goals and objectives including safety, resilience, liveability, connectivity and sustainability. It is anticipated this process will take six months.