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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

MicroGrids under consideration for the Eurobodalla

Southcoast Health and Sustainability Alliance - SHASA, and their partner Micro Energy Systems Australia (MESA) have teamed up with the Australian National University, and Essential Energy to submit an application for federal funding for a feasibility study into 8 Microgrids across the Eurobodalla. In January 2021 they created an on-line petition to help demonstrate the strong support of the community to make this happen.

A SHASA spokesperson said "The 3 year study into microgrids will involve community consultation into what will work in the region and to ensure that the microgrid will be useful during normal power needs and also in emergency situations if the "usual" power supply goes down. This is important considering all the experiences with the 2019/20 bush fires and the need to make electricity in Eurobodalla more reliable and resilient.

What is a Microgrid? It is a small network of electricity users with a local source of supply that is usually attached to a centralized national grid but is able to function independently. You can show your support by signing this petition HERE.

The idea is not a new one with communities such as Glouster in northern NSW putting in place community driven initiatives such as Energise Gloucester that was launched on 17 Nov 2016 The Energise Gloucester vision:

To have a viable renewable energy program operating by 2020 that is embraced in practice and financially by the Gloucester community.

Aims of the program:

  • To assist Gloucester to use energy more efficiently and reduce costs.

  • To provide clean, affordable renewable energy sources for residents and businesses.

  • To improve community cohesion through improved prosperity.

  • To increase the diversity of enterprises using renewable energy and create job opportunities.

  • To add social capital in the community.

Energise Gloucester (EG) is making good progress with our Community Solar Farm and on track to commence construction later this year. You can read their latest news and discover more of the project HERE

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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