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Screenshot 2023-06-13 180949.png
  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Hey Council ! Fair suck of the Sav

From time to time it would pay for our councillors to follow social media. Some still smirk and say they aren't on Facebook and if people want them they can send an email or make a phone call, sadly, neither of which several won't bother responding to. Today's post in the Batemans Bay Notice Board would be a good place to start for those who claim they listen to, and represent, the views of the community. Community discussion raised disappointment that Council had charged a community group $378 to "use" a public reserve for the purpose of erecting three registration tables for a charity run. Some of the comments are as follows:

  • That is such a disappointing thing to hear. Hopefully someone in council will be good enough to propose a similar or larger donation to recognise the efforts of the many volunteers and walkers/runners who were raising money for the battle against breast cancer.

  • That is totally disgusting

  • That’s terrible

  • I’ve just completed the walk and the area used was minuscule. As a rate payer in the ESC I hope the fee is reimbursed or given as a donation back to BCA . Shameful actions for a charge in the first instance .

  • That’s disappointing. I only saw a couple of tables beside the path - not much space at all!

  • yes, I saw that arrangement of tables, hardly worth $378, but trying to attract donations for a worthy cause. Shame on Council.

  • Very disappointing

  • That is appalling, I saw the stalls, only about 3, it is such an important event, proceeds going to Breast cancer research, shame on you, council. whoever made the decision to charge a fee, must not have been touched with cancer, eg family, friends. Unbelievable. I hope the money will be reimbursed.

  • Seriously?? That is not good. This is ordinary folks giving their time and energy for a serious problem.

  • Unfortunately there is nothing for nothing these days... charities or not... Batemans Bay Rotary has always had to pay a fee to council for the use of its Corrigans Beach markets and same now its moved to the Batemans Bay foreshore. Rotary monies raised go to helping out our local community. Hopefully council use these fees to clean the surrounding facilities.

  • I saw that arrangement of tables, hardly worth $378, but trying to attract donations for a worthy cause. Shame on Council.

Above: the four tables placed adjacent to the footpath occupying a fraction of space from an otherwise unimpeded reserve filled with others enjoying their morning pleasures. Exactly why would Council charge a fee for this - a cleanup cost? No. Insurance? No. Blatant revenue raising perhaps? A question for a councillor to ask during Questions on Notice so that the community as a whole are informed.

The problem we have with social media is hearsay - this post was made on the Batemans Bay Notice Board without any substance of fact. "Was saddened to hear....." But what are the actual Council fees for an event like the annual Charity run for breast Cancer that has volunteers setting up three knock-up tables on a Council reserve for an hour or so ..... So let's look at the current Council fees and charges

From the above, if you were a not-for-profit group hoping for a turnout of 1000 to 2000 people dressed in pink for a fun run to raise funds for breast cancer you might be expected to pay $871 - 40% discount - that comes in at $348 (close to the claimed $378) So a passionate crew of the community ran a fun run and for just an hour or so set up three flimsy tables on a council owned reserve that allowed hopefully more than 1000 participants register and then run along a public reserve, dedicated to the public for recreation. And it cost them, allegedly, $378 from funds that would have directly breast cancer research. When you boil it down this is not unusual for council. They charge Rotary for their not for profit markets that raise funds for the community. In fact they have an entire list of their fees and charges for the public to use public reserves: Last Tuesday, May 19th 2023, during the nineteen minute Council meeting the councillors, our councillors, voted that: The draft 2023-24 Operational Plan, the draft 2023-24 Fees and Charges, and the draft 2023-33 Long-Term Financial Plan be placed on public exhibition for a period of not less than 28 days. You can find those Draft fees HERE

So, you can vent on social media the injustices of it all or ... you can lodge a submission challenging the fees and maybe even engage a typically lazy arse, indifferent councillor to stand up and represent your views. Alas, they are easy to find. In the meantime there should be a Notice of Motion by one of them to donate the reserve rental fee back to the passionate organisers who conducted a great day in the Bay.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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