Local farmers, land managers, council staff and residents interested in learning more about biocontrol options to manage weeds have been invited to a free workshop in Moruya on Tuesday 21 February 2023.
The workshop is jointly hosted by Local Land Services and the NSW Department of Primary Industries to focus on how to use biocontrol agents as part of an integrated weed management plan and highlight the latest weed biocontrol research.
NSW DPI weed biocontrol research leader, Andrew McConnachie, said host-specific natural enemies of plants can deliver long-term, sustainable and cost-effective control of some of NSW’s most damaging weeds.
“NSW DPI contributes to ongoing research to deliver biocontrol agents to help manage invasive weeds,” Dr McConnachie said.
“The department’s weed management program is focusing on research programs for biocontrol agents to target African lovegrass, ox-eye daisy, mother-of-millions, leaf cactus and privet.”
“It’s a collaborative program which has delivered biocontrol agent breeding programs for opuntioid cacti, such as wheel cactus, prickly pear and Cylindropuntia spp., aquatic weeds, including sagittaria, salvinia, water hyacinth, water lettuce, and climbing weeds, including Madeira vine and cat’s claw creeper.”
Dr McConnachie will discuss biocontrol solutions for other weeds, including wandering trad, sea spurge and water hyacinth.
This workshop is jointly funded by the NSW Government and the Australian Government.
More information is available at www.lls.nsw.gov.au/regions/south-east