Dalmeny lady enters 90 exhibits in recent Eurobodalla District Show.
Came away with:- Champion Rose – Collection Pink
Most Successful Exhibitor:- Rose, Cut Flowers, Pot Plants, Open Jams, Jellies & Preserves
Best Exhibit:- Jam – Strawberry & Blueberry, Marmalade – Orange, Special Needs – Chocolate Cake
Husband John got Best Exhibit – Writing
Carolyn Low entered six Sections – Flowers, Cookery, Jams, Jellies & Preserves, Vegetables, Needlework, Craft. Won prizes in all.
Carolyn said "It’s not difficult to put in exhibits. You need a Show Schedule and read the instructions and if you don’t understand phone the Steward for that Section. You can just walk around your home & garden & you would probably find something to enter or you can spend months making your special item.
"If exhibiting cut flowers or veggies where it says 3 or more, your items have to be identical ie:- size & color".
Champion place getters Jams, Jellies & Preserves:-
Junior – Kara – Mango Chutney – first time exhibitor with several entries
Novice – David – Lime Marmalade – first time exhibitor with many entries & a man at that!
Open – Catrina – Beautiful Preserved Peaches – first time exhibitor with several entries
All these exhibitors have indicated that they will be back next year
Eurobodalla Canine Club members were very supportive of the Show. Gerri Richards, Chief Pavilion Steward spent 8 consecutive days, all day & many hours prior organizing the Pavilion, Judges & Stewards and cleaning up after.
Vicki Newman & Carolyn Low – Stewards, Jams, Jellies & Preserves
Alison Doherty entered several exhibits got First Place Novice Marmalade
Fran Campbell entered several exhibits, sauces & craft, got Stewards Award for one of her sauces
Glenda Claplin was seen a couple of days.
Carolyn says "I have been a farmer & believe in supporting Aussie Agriculture especially our local Show.

"I have won prizes in Sydney Royal cattle, craft & pickles. Melbourne Royal – jam. Hobart Royal craft & jam. Queensland Royal – craft".

Above: Commendations also go to Joyce Wilkie with her award from last weekend’s Euro Agricultural show. Joyce is a fantastic teacher of sustainable vegetable farming with Stepping Stones and is inspiring a lot of people.