.To Defer Many Of The Points In The Motion Calling For An End To Native Forest Logging In State Forests In The Eurobodalla.
Councillor Alison Worthington writes:
"Council voted to acknowledge and raise the concerns of south coast residents with FCNSW asking for better management of State Forests to support nature-based tourism enterprises, recreational usage, threatened species habitat protection and carbon sequestration.
Council voted to defer noting the growing evidence that native forest logging by Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW) in our State Forests is both economically and environmentally unsustainable.
AND that native forest logging here is incompatible with our shire’s and our region’s investment in nature-based tourism enterprises, climate change mitigation and the protection of biodiversity.
I brought this motion today because the evidence has stacked up - our forests are worth more standing.
Council has deferred many of these motions as councillor’s seek more information from FCNSW and other stakeholders to fully flesh out these issues.
We had 4 residents present to council this morning in favour of the motion and one presentation against. One presenter spoke of the unacceptable risk logged forests pose to our communities due to increased flammability and the risk of higher severity bushfires in logged forests. This has been clearly documented in extensively peer-reviewed studies by leading Australian academics.
Our council has chosen not to take up the role of advocating to the NSW State government on this matter at this stage.
Council acknowledged that both WA and Victorian State Governments have announced plans for just transitions of their native forest industry to ecologically sustainable plantations, but asking for the same from the NSW government was a step too far for many councillors today until they have a chance to consider further evidence."