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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Club Malua Women's Bowls Report

There were 18 social bowlers on the green as well as 4 matches in Club Major Singles.

Social winners, Carmel Price, Gai Gibson and Gwen Ware.

Runners-up, Jean Beeley, Helen Rees and Jan Shalders.

Other winning team, Cheryl Melouney, Bev Feehan and Rae Fayle.

Money club winners, Helen Rees and Cheryl Melouney.

Round 1 of Club Major Singles where winner is first to reach 25.

Judy Davis defeated Brooke Wilson. Sue Palmer defeated Lyn Hardy. Ellie Crompton defeated Pat Weekes. Paula Hancock defeated Margaret Bridges.

Round 2 , Olga Geshwend forfeited to Noleen Taylor.

Judy Davis defeated Tricia Wheeler. Shirley Edwards defeated Sue Palmer. Gay Biggs defeated Jenny Blyth. Karen Signor defeated Pat Bill. Robyn Butcher defeated Collen Ashby in a nail biting match, with Colleen leading all the way until Robyn slowly caught up and snatched the lead on last end.

Ellie Crompton defeated Gloria Harper. Paula Hancock defeated Yvonne Huddleston with her last bowl, going into last end they were 24 all with Yvonne holding shot.

Round 3, Quarter Final will be played on Thursday.

Thank you to Umpires Yvonne Huddleston and Lou Butcher also to Markers. Congratulations to Yvonne Huddleston who was Runner-up in District Senior Singles.

Social Winners, Carmel Price, Gai Gibson and Gwen Ware


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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