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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Club Malua Women’s Bowls Report

There were 42 bowlers on the green on a lovely sunny Tuesday morning.

President Sue Beavan welcomed District President Vicki Harmen who then congratulated our Grade 2 Pennant team on winning the District Flag. All proceeded onto the green for presentation of Flag by District President before the unfurling of the Flag and lots of photos. Great to have our Bowls Organizer David Thomas back on deck, also lovely to have Carol Harris back bowling with us and a visit from Helene Szendeleit.

Winners on 5, Gayl Vidgen, June Williams, Shirley Edwards, Marlou Rollinson. Runners-up Rink 6, Jean Beeley, Helen Rees and Colleen Ashby.

Rink 7 was selected to try for Jackpot, winning Skip Sue Beavan chose card but no luck, only 15 cards left in pack so there will be a winning team soon.

Other winning teams, Carol Harris, Tricia Wheeler and Nancy White. Rosie Rayner, Wendy Geary, Tania Calder and Rae Fayle. Lynn Gowans, Sonia Frey and Raija Johnston. Robyn Butcher, Yvonne Huddleston, Pat Bill and Sue Beavan. President Sue presented Patron Dorothy Stewart with a Certificate for 30 years of bowling and 20 years for Judy Davis then David informed us of his 36 years, what great achievements and congratulations to each of them. Sue also mentioned how lovely it was to see everyone in their new uniforms. Happy Birthday wishes to Noleen Taylor. David couldn’t believe there were no wrong biases bowled today although most members gave a donation towards our collection for Charity Rosie Rayner realized half way through her match today she had her new bowls pants on back to front, must have been uncomfortable Rosie!!

Above: Grade 2 Pennant team District winners @ Unfurling of flag.

District President Vicki Harmen, Kim Giannasca, Tania Calder, Pat Bill, Sue Beavan, Jenny Blyth, Karen Signor, Paula Hancock, Gloria Harper

Above: Coming down stairs @ Club Malua before Guard of Honour.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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