Vice-President Kim Giannasca welcomed 38 ladies before Bowls Organiser David Thomas called cards for 5 Triples and 2 Pairs games. Kim welcomed Janette Sammut from Cronulla Bowling Club, also several of our ladies who have been away on holidays I hope and not on the sick list.
Winners on Rink 4, Tricia Wheeler, Judy Davis and Sue Morgan.
Runners-up Rink 5, Lynn Gowans, Sonia Frey and Lisa Grice who had a Draw but won on a countback .
Lucky Losers Rink 4, Gai Gibson, Fran Lucas and Joan Rimmer.
Lucky $10 number winner, Wendy Geary. Money Club winner on 8, Lisa Grice, 49, Gayl Vidgen
Other winning teams, Judy Armstrong and Nancy White.Sue Palmer and Noleen Taylor.
Carmel Price, Raija Johnston and Alison Innes. Di MacPherson, June Williams and Lyn Hardy. Joan Fitzroy, Bev Keatley and Kim Giannasca .
Heard that you bowled very well Joan so well done.
Good bowling next week to Olga Geshwend, Yvonne Huddleston and Noleen Taylor in State Championships previous winners of District Senior Triples .
Friday Social bowls will commence at 10.30am dress is mufti.

Triples Winners, Tricia Wheeler, Sue Morgan & Judy Davis.