CATALINA LADIES GOLF – Results Foursomes Championships
Foursomes format in golf evidences a strong display of team spirit and comradeship. Congratulations to the overall winners and well-done to all teams that participated in the thirty-six hole event.
Overall Winners
Foursomes Division 1
First Kathy Roe & Helen Neave 146 Nett
Second Dianne Gill & Sue Demamiel 146 Nett
Foursomes Division 2
First Sandra Keon & Carol Gardner 153 Nett
Second Gay Cable & Anne Edwards 154 Nett
Foursomes (Gross) Division 1
First Nikki Frank & Margaret Dickinson 167 Gross
Second Jenny Scullin & Jo Taylor 185 Gross
Foursomes (Gross) Division 2
First Pat Cole & Sue Howard 214 Gross
Second Jo Neal & Helen Bunsell 224 Gross

Above: Celebrations with the net winners of the Foursomes Championships -
Kathy Roe and Helen Neave (seated right).
Daily Winners
Division 1 Winners
First Helen Neave & Kathy Roe 73 Nett
Second Myrna Radin & Courtney Vincent 74.5 Nett
Division 2 Winners
First Helen Bunsell & Jo Neal 72.5 Nett
Second Lorraine Austen & Lynne Richardson 75.5 Nett
Division 1 (Gross) Winners
First Nikki Frank & Margaret Dickinson 86 Gross
Second Jenny Scullin & Jo Taylor 89 Gross
Division 2 (Gross) Winners
First Dorothy Partridge & Anne Lorimer 106 Gross
Second Sue Howard & Pat Cole 107 Gross
Division 1 Placegetters
Third Wendy Hardy & Sue Lowes 74 Nett
Fourth Helen Wise & Helen Martin 74.5 Nett
Fifth Roz Odgers & Eileen Davis 75.5 Nett
Sixth Sue Demamiel & Dianne Gill 77.5 Nett
Seventh Colleen Day & Bev Flynn 77.5 Nett
Division 2 Placegetters
Third Christine Kitson & Sandra McCamley 76.5 Nett
Fourth Susan Bourke & Donna Mills 77 Nett
Fifth Carol Gardner & Sandra Keon 77 Nett
Sixth Nancy Leaver & Carol Soper 77.5 Nett
Seventh Anne Edwards & Gay Kable 79.5 Nett

Above: Helen Bunsell & Jo Neal – Daily Division 2 (Nett) Winners.