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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Broulee Runner’s Results March 22nd 2023

Broulee Runner’s Results


Very warm humid conditions made it tough for the 34 competitors. Nevertheless, there were 8 personal best times recorded. In the 2-kilometres Sunni West came in first across the line with an excellent PB of 8.24, which is an improvement by 50 seconds. Other strong improvers were Audrey and Violet Turner and Annie Johnsen and her daughter Grace Lamond. In the 4-kilomrtres David West showed that he is no slouch by recording a personal best time of 16.03. Brad Turner rounded the trifecta for the family by doing a PB in the 4-kilometre. Steve Phipps, a local top triathlete showed good form for the weekends event by cruising through the 4 kilometres with a PB.

It was fitting that Annie Johnsen ran a PB as we celebrated her 200th run. She was a member of the originals having commenced doing the 5 Kilometres on 14 March 2007 with a time of 34.50. A year later she improved on this time by 7 minutes.

Also making his 30th run is Benji Mackay. He did his first run in the original 2 kilometres on 6 December 2017. It is great that Benji and Annie go to the same school, she the Teacher and he the St Peter’s Broulee.

Above: The start line with Benji inn the middle with his 30-run shirt.

Above: the Johnsen family Matt, Grace, Annie, and Peter.

2 Kilometres

Sunni West 8.24

James Gunn 9.20

Benji Mackay 9.52

Anthony Snowball 10.08

Liliana Murphy 10.45

Angus Murphy 10.47

Audrey Turner 10.49

Violet Turner 10.59

Chloe Tangney 11.02

Sara Norgate 11.11

Laura Lopresti 12.32

Olivia Turner 12.53

Annie Johnsen 15.44

Alfie Mackay 16.01

Neil Mackay 16.02

Jennifer Tangney 16.26

Eva Mackay 16.27

Grace Lamond 17.06

Daisy West 20.24

Cathy West 20.25

Richard Fisher 22.34

3 Kilometres

David West 16.03

Andrew Greenway 16.17

David McCann 26.14

4 Kilometres

Matt Johnsen 16.45

Paige Connaughton 17.17

Andrew McPherson 17.30

Stephen Seidel 18.15

Dave Connaughton 18.44

Brad Turner 19.09

Jackie Snowball 19.27

Madison Ewins 20.40

Deb Connaughton 22.15

Steve Phipps 22.56

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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