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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Beagle Gig Guide March 3rd to 5th

North of Narooma: Mar 3rd - Alexi Pigot – Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Mar 4th - Alexi Pigot – Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Mar 4th - Rick Bamford at Club Tuross Mar 4th - Karaoke at Tomakin Social Club Mar 4th -Boo Seeka at Moruya Golfy - Supports: Usual Suspects

You're Welcome, Dj Yoplait Mar 4th - Midnight Jukebox at One Tree Inn Tuross Head Mar 4th - Driving Sideways – Club Malua (8pm) Mar 4th - McGrath

Mar 5th - Kingswood at Smokey Dan's, Tomakin Mar 9th - Sydney's Cope Street Parade will play the Moruya Golf Club Mar 9th - Planet TX Open Mic Night at Tukka Cafe Moruya Mar 10th- Sirenics– Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Mar 11th- Sirenics– Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Mar 11th - Cam Harding at Tomakin Social Club Mar 11th - Fractured Minds at One Tree Inn Tuross Head Mar 11th - Moruya Celebrates at Riverside Park from 1pm Mar 16th - Planet TX Open Mic Night at Tukka Cafe Moruya Mar 17th- Gedupndanz– Batemans Bay Soldiers Club

Mar 18th- Gedupndanz– Batemans Bay Soldiers Club Mar 18th - TBC at Tomakin Social Club Mar 18th - Forever Diamond - Peter Byrne at Club Tuross March 19th - Eurobodalla Live Music at Moruya Golfy 12:30pm Narooma and South of Narooma:

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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