The Batemans Bay Evening View Club had an enjoyable meeting on Wednesday 8 Feb 2023. It was our first face to face meeting for the year and we are looking forward to more meetings, Fund Raising events and interesting guest speakers. The meeting was held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club and the women enjoyed a delicious meal. At the meeting we discussed our plans for the year including the guest speaker for April and some fund raising events.
When President Julie opened the meeting with our VIEW Pledge and Grace, she then spoke of the loss of one of our longest serving members. Jenny McCaskill passed away on Jan 1 and Jenny had received her 30 year long service badge last year. She was a committee member and always had a smile for everyone. Jenny will be greatly missed by all of us.
Two members, June and Loretta celebrated their birthdays in February and received a chocolate from President Julie. You never tell a lady’s age but June received flowers for her 90th birthday about five years ago.
The monthly meetings are held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. The next meeting of the
Batemans Bay Evening View Club will be held on Wednesday 8 March 2023 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm at a cost of $25.00. This will be our Annual General Meeting. Batemans Bay Evening VIEW Club is on the lookout for new members who want to give back to their community and make new connections with women in the area.
VIEW, which stands for Voice, Interests and Education of Women, is a network of close to 300 clubs and over 14,000 women throughout Australia. It provides a place for women to connect in the community, enjoy social activities, and develop lasting friendships – all while supporting the work of children’s education charity, The Smith Family.
Batemans Bay Evening Club President, Julie said this year is the perfect time to join VIEW as social events are back on the calendar after being going into hiatus due to the pandemic.
“We have had so much fun organising upcoming events for our club in the last year. These always feature fabulous dinners and speakers, and are a great way to hear about how we help children and young people through The Smith Family.”
VIEW is the largest community sponsor of the charity’s Learning for Life program, which provides students with financial, educational and personal support. President Julie says this is crucial, particularly in the current economic climate.
“We have all been hit by the rising cost of living, be it power prices, food or petrol. But these rises have had an even greater impact on those already doing it tough. Parents shouldn’t have to choose between putting dinner on the table or buying their child a uniform for school. This is why it is so important that we can help children experiencing disadvantage with their education.”
Batemans Bay Evening VIEW Club supports the education of 6 students through the Learning for Life program, ensuring they have what they need for the school year.
In addition to their ongoing support of The Smith Family, Batemans Bay Evening VIEW Club hosts social events, including a pamper auction and also Bunnings BBQ’s.
“We are always looking for women of all backgrounds and ages to join us and look forward to welcoming new faces at our next monthly meeting,” Julie said
Anyone interested in becoming a member can call Julie on 0408 215 553 or Anita on 0447 114 198 or visit for further information.
The next Batemans Bay Evening VIEW Club meeting will take place on Wednesday 8 March 2023 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club at 6.00pm.
Above: President Julie with Birthday Girls - June and Loretta