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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Are candidates daring to break the rules of posters on road reserves?

The Beagle Editor, By-elections are a couple of weeks away and already we are seeing a number of candidates breaching the rules. But what exactly are the rules regarding the display of political posters/corflutes and who is responsible for enforcing these rules? During the 2016 council elections, a number of candidates breached the rules set down by the government but complaints made to council resulted in a handball to the Electoral Commission for action and a complaint made to the Electoral Commission resulted in a handball back to council.

Under the NSW Electoral Act of 2017 it is an offence to put posters on any public or community-owned land. That includes trees on road verges, on highways, on council-owned buildings or in parks. Posters and campaign material can only be displayed on private property with the owner's permission. What's banned · No posters on any Crown or community owned land · Posters banned from trees on road verges and alongside highways · No posters on council-owned buildings, structures or in parks · Posters only allowed on private property with owner's permission · While not banned, putting screws into trees can make them susceptible to decay or reduce their life expectancy · Posters are banned from any wall, fence or boundary of a polling place · No posters on cars or stalls on footpaths near polling place · Electoral matter cannot be written, drawn or depicted on any property, including roads, footpaths, buildings, vehicles, vessels, hoardings or place (whether it is or is not a public place and whether on land or water). · Names and addresses of a person authorising the electoral material must be included on all posters and signs · However, that doesn't include electoral matter on T-shirts, lapel buttons, lapel badges, pens, pencils, balloons or business cards. Coral Anderson

Above: "Girls, what do you think of those who flount the poster rules and trash the highway?"


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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