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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Andrew's Constant pledges fall short of pub test

Once again the the Liberal candidate has made another pledge in the north of Gilmore. Voters in the Eurobodalla are asking once again "Where is Constance?" The Liberal pledges, if re-elected, to the north of Gilmore are now in the hundreds of millions while in the South there has been little but silence and certainly no showing of the Prime Minister back to the region. And yet again the candidate has rolled out his old BFF to make a social media announcement for NOWRA saying: "Great to have Marise Payne with me today to deliver fantastic news for the Shoalhaven Riverfront Revitalisation. A re-elected Morrison Government will provide $6 million to Paringa Park to build a multi-level storage facility". Here is the Facebook photo and below it the page of the document they are looking at. As you can see it is a Shoalhaven Council Plan of the projects they are hoping might be supported by one of the many Federal grants such as Building Better Communities. Those grants require solid applications and are assessed by an independent panel based on merit. In making the announcement "A re-elected Morrison Government will provide $6 million" basically implies that the Council has got it in the bag if they "Vote for Andy". That might have been how it worked at a State level with projects like the Batemans Bay Pavilion $8m theatre or at a Federal Level with the $25 million Batemans Bay pool but this election is about stopping the pork and considering where money should be spent based on priority and best return for the community. For one reason or another the Paringa project has been plucked from this wishlist. Does it tick the box of the most urgent project? Why override the open transparent process of application based on merit and pledge that it will be funded? If you were making pledges to Shoalhaven's wishlist what would you fund above a sailing club building? The Beagle would have liked to have made comment to the Facebook post but we have been blocked as Andrew doesn't care for our comments and questions. You might like to ask Andrew why he isn't making such grand pledges to Eurobodalla Council projects in Southern Gilmore. He has made no commitment to fire proof poles which is at the top of the Eurobodalla Council advocacy list and the mobile towers were already committed to.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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