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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

A Poet, a Priest, an Architect in Conversation - Losing our Religion

A Poet, a Priest and an Architect walk into a hall in Moruya for a chat……..

The census data tells us we just might be losing our religion. So, what are we losing, what does it mean, does it matter anyway and where is spirituality in all of this change?

Join in a conversation with architect and writer Dr Elizabeth Farrelly, priest and academic Reverend Dr Jane Foulcher and poet, John Foulcher in Moruya on Saturday 8th October at The Mechanics Institute Hall for what promises to be a fascinating conversation, facilitated by Linda Chapman, with time for Q&A and tipples to follow at the Red Door Hall.

Dr Elizabeth Farrelly is a significant public intellectual and writer. The current Writer in Residence at the University of Sydney’s Henry Halloran Trust, after thirty years the Sydney Morning Herald’s weekly principle essayist on urban planning and city-making. Trained in architecture and philosophy with a PhD in urbanism from the University of Sydney. Her 2007 book Blubberland; the dangers of happiness, considered climate change as a spiritual issue. Her most recent book is Killing Sydney; the fight for a city’s soul.

Jane Foulcher is an Adjunct Senior Lecturer in Theology at Charles Sturt University. Jane has particular interests in Christian spirituality and mystical theology. An Anglican priest, her doctoral research in the area of monastic theology, was published as Reclaiming Humility: Four Studies in the Monastic Tradition.

John Foulcher has written twelve books of poetry, most recently 101 Poems, a selection from his previous books, and Dancing with Stephen Hawking. His work has appeared in Australian magazines and anthologies over nearly forty years, and he has received and been short-listed for many awards. Poems from his first book, Light Pressure, were set for study on the New South Wales Higher School Certificate syllabus for ten years. In 2010-11 he was the Literature Board’s resident at the Keesing Studio in Paris.

Mechanics Institute, Page St, Moruya 3pm Sat 8 October.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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