High Scores in Vets Stableford
A large field of 68 players, including 9 lady visitors from Camden, Shoalhaven Heads and Mollymook clubs, registered for the Single Stableford event, the game also being round 3 of the Elaine Jennings trophy for lady players. Winner on the day was Neil Mather with a fine score of 24 points. He was followed home in order and on count back by Lance Shadbolt, Noel Fletcher and Ian Miller, all with 22 points. Balls or chocolates were won by Steve Collins on 21, Paul Green on 20, Wal Williams, Noel Downie and Allen Lee on 19, Rosemary Hoare, Ray Downey, Chris Wratten, Peter Macdonald and Ken Brown on 18, and finally Lyn Benger, Ross Hendy, Stephen Crossling, Terry Challender, Ross Davidson, David Williams and Tim Starr all with 17.
The infamous Bradman award was won by a newcomer to Vets Golf, Greg Bush, who suffered at the hands of the handicapper on his first game! Nearest the pins went to one of our lady visitors, Kerry Cahill on the 4th, Andrew Gordon on the 6th, and another visitor Kathleen Bull and our own Ken Brown on the 7th. Annette Manton took out the Accuracy drive on the 5th.

Above" Vets President Ian Manton with winner Neil Mather and runner up Lance Shadbolt ; photo Paul Pereira