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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Tuross Head Country Club golfers provide strong competition in monthly medal round

Tuross Head Country Club men’s golf stroke and putt monthly medal competition was held this week, an event where golfers compete over three grades with the winners of each grade then competing for the title of “medal of medal” winner later in the year.

The A grade winner on Saturday was Ben Hewison who returned an excellent score of 69 net strokes beating Allen Gannon on a countback. Troy Kingdom filled third place with net 70 strokes.

B grade golfer John Phyland was first with a very low score of 65 strokes.

Peter Nikolic 68 filled second placing and Trevor Jones was third on a countback.

There was also very close competition in the C grade division with Graeme Bell emerging as the

winner with 66 net strokes.

Allen Lee had a good round of 67 net strokes for second placing and Herb Muriwai’s 67

saw him finish in third position on a countback.

Richard Kelly won the putting competition with a creditable 24 putts and Peter Johnston

won the Golden Shot award with 1.15 m.

Nearest the pins were won by A grade players:

Ian Miller on the 4th hole with 1.83 m.

Adam Husband was best on the 6th with 3.63 m and

Ian Lawson was closest on the 7th with 2.75 m.

B grade best on the 4th was Wayne Fullerton with 2.18 m.

Peter Garn was awarded the 6th with 2.72 m and

Andrew Gordon won the 7th with 5.00 m.

C grade player L. Kelly was closest on the 4th hole with 2.20 m and

Herb Muriwai was best on the 6th with a very close 30 centimetres.

The coming Saturday round at Tuross Head is a single stableford Scoty round.

Thursday’s medley stableford competition was won by Brad Doolan who had a round of

42 points with Stuart McKell in second spot on a countback.

David Gray’s 37 points saw him fill third spot on a countback from Herb Muriwai

and Mitch Smith, Rex Wood and Chris Cox won nearest the pin awards.

Above: Tuross Head A grade medal winner Ben Hewison and event sponsor Dave Gray.

Photo: Courtesy Tony Brown

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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