The Beagle Editor, Let's have a close look at all this hoo-haa with the Fix It Campaign It's a piecemeal, sticking plaster, clickbait, attention-seeking one-liner to a much more complex issue. Firstly it was kicked off by a deputy mayor who took to the limelight as Chair of the South East Area Transport Strategy demanding more money be spent on the Princes Highway. Did she talk about anywhere outside of her electorate? No. Did she say that things were actually even worse further south around Eden and on the twisting turns of the far south coast that has timber jinkers, caravans and semi trailers nearly brushing each other because the rads are so narrow and the surfaces poor. No. She just prattled on about her own paddock demanding more money for her electorate. The State government has been good in putting in median strip wire barriers and the last lot being installed near Tomarong is to be commended. But let's look at the issue. That section of road and all the sections of the South Coast have had millions of vehicles travelling over them over the last decade without incident. Why? Because everyone with the exception of just a few drive to the conditions, the speed limit, don't text, don't drink, don't drive drug affected and actually pay attention to what they are doing.
Let's spend a shirtload on making the road safer and do nothing to finding the answer to fix the moron in the drivers seat.
By all means build better roads but also consider testing people to drive more than once in their lives, at least with the rules and enforce the law more, in the courts and have them take drink driving and drug driving seriously, crush cars, stick repeat offenders in jail.
Target the issue. The vast majority of us aren't the problem. Name and address supplied