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100 Years Ago 28th April 1917

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle

Shire-wide news extracts from the Moruya Examiner of 28 April 1917, provided by the Moruya & District Historical Society:

RABBIT SKINS. – The Government scheme of control of rabbit skins will take effective from 26th instant. Subject to the Prime Minister’s approval prices will range from 1s 8d net for winters and supers down to 10d per lb for kittens.

NEW FREEZING WORKS. – Mr. T. W. Draper, late manager and secretary of the Braidwood freezing works, intends opening a similar concern at Ballalaba. The Ballalaba district is stated to have been the principal source of supply to the Braidwood works, the average daily consignment from there having been something like 1200 pairs. The prices paid will be 9d and 4d.

PARCELS RECEIVED. – Mr. E. L. Arnett, wishes to convey per medium of our columns, his son’s sincere thanks, to the Moruya Red Cross Society for the Xmas parcels, which were duly received by our brave boys. Mrs. G. Cheesman is in receipt of a letter of Pte. Vere Garwood, an Englishman, but who has been with the Anzacs for 19 months, for a parcel sent by her to “a lonely soldier” and received by the grateful writer.

GOING NORTH. – Our big-hearted townsman, Mr. Alf Crapp, with his family, is shortly leaving for Woolgoolga, where he has been appointed overseer of timber, by Saxton and Binns. Mr. Crapp, who has just returned from a visit up north, speaks in glowing terms of the vast quantity and quality of the timber on the North Coast, and predicts that the giants of the forest on the few miles of the coast that he passed through will be a source of revenue to hundreds of men for 20 years hence.

LABOR’S ORATOR. – Mr. George Waite, the Labor speaker on behalf of Mr. J. Bailey and who so delighted the Moruya audience on Saturday night with his fluent oratory, will address the electors at Mogo on Monday night next. R. H. Harvison Campbell St., Moruya.

LATE NOTICE. – It is very much regretted that owing to urgent and unforeseen circumstances Mr. Innes Noad cannot visit Moruya, but Captain Millard, M. L. A. will take his place and address the electors at Mechanics Hall to-night (Saturday). (From Archdale Parkhill National Campaign Executive.)

BATEMAN’S BAY. – (From our Correspondent).

Anzac Day was marked by half-mast flags from the school, the Pilot, and Mr. John Milton’s flag poles. At night a memorial meeting to the fallen Anzacs and their brave comrades in arms was held in the local Hall. A short typical programme consisting of sacred songs by Mrs Ryan, and the children, also short speeches by Messrs. Mackay, Annett, Gorman, and Lunn. The Honor roll was on display, and the meeting closed with the playing of the ‘Dead March’.

We note that the Bay View Hotel is being renovated in front which will add greatly to the well kept appearance of this up-to-date establishment.

OPEN COLUMN. – It must be distinctly understood that we are not responsible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents.

To the Editor Moruya “Examiner.”

Dear Sir. – While reading the Personal and Otherwise column of this week’s “Examiner” I noticed the following: - “The ‘Star’ says it takes something to keep the Bega Hospital going. Last month 80lbs of butter alone were consumed there.” Now, Sir, I am very pleased to think that Bega Hospital can find means to provide this quantity of butter to be consumed per month, because our hard-working matron at the Moruya Hospital finds it difficult to squeeze enough milk from the hospital cow at the present time to go round for the tea and porridge, let alone make any butter. So just here I would like to appeal to any of our charitable dairying friends who have a milking cow they could spare to lend it to the hospital for the season and so come to their assistance in providing the means whereby those very necessary articles of food, viz., milk and butter can be supplied to the wants in sufficient quantity.

  • M. WILSON.


Moruya Cottage Hospital

P.S. – Don’t be frightened to send a good cow along as the hospital paddock is a good one and good kind milkers are provided.

Eighteen 100 years ago booklets containing articles for the years 1899 to 1916 are available ($5 ea) from the Society’s rooms. Copies of local newspapers from the 1860s to date can be viewed at the Society’s Family History Research Centre (Ph 4474 3224) situated at the rear of the Museum in Campbell St. Moruya (

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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