Montague Art and Craft Society Inc 36th Open Easter Exhibition was a great sucess with solid entries and a high visitation for the exhibition over the Easter weekend showcasing South East art and talent to the many visitors who came through the doors of the Narooma Visitors Centre.

Pictured above is the Winner of the 2017 Narooma Art Prize, "Aspirations" with artist Janet Jones (on left) together with MACS President Irene Berry, and Tim Moorhead, Judge of the 2017 Easter Exhibition.
Above : Click for the slideshow and captions

Above: The winner of the inaugural Narooma Visitor Information Centre Award for a work spotlighting Narooma, was "Foam Dancing at Australia Rock", captured in a photo taken by Russell Gotsalks, during a storm in June 2016. Mandy Anderson is seen admiring this wonderful photograph.