The Monthly EuroSCUG meeting tomorrow will welcome Lei Parker, editor of the new free shire-wide online newspaper The Beagle as their guest speaker. Lei will guide members through the history of the paper, how and why it came to be, and where it sits in our day to day newsfeed and the important role that inclusive local news is to the community. "It is inevitable that newspapers as we know them will disappear as more and more information goes online, and it is essential that we ensure that we are ready to keep up to date with the large and small news items, including those within our own community such as local arts, community events, sports, food, and even politics." Lei Parker EuroSCUG meets at 10am on the first Wednesday of the month at Moruya Golf Club, and local area groups meet regularly in Batemans Bay, Moruya, Tuross Head and Narooma. Monthly tablet groups (iPad and Android) are also held.For more information visit our website at, or phone 0431 809 073. The meeting is at Moruya Golf Club at 10am on Wednesday 5th - All visitors Most Welcome