EuroSCUG is holding an Open Day on Wednesday 8th March, during Seniors Week, at Moruya Golf Club.
At the Open Day, which will run from 10.30am to 12.00 noon, there will be an interesting variety of presentations covering computers, tablets and smartphones. Topics to be covered include genealogy, Google searching tips, free apps for photography, traffic etc., photo scanning, and how to save money by travelling online. A Help Desk will also be available.
Free coffee and tea will be available, and visitors can chat with members to see just how friendly and cohesive our group is. Special handouts will be available for visitors.
As the group will be holding its AGM from 10am until 10.30am on the day, the doors to the room will be closed at 10am and re-opened at 10.30am. Early visitors are welcome to wait in the lounge area of the club between these times.
Visitors are welcome to attend the AGM, but will not be permitted to vote or address the meeting.
EuroSCUG meets at 10am on the first Wednesday of the month at Moruya Golf Club and local area groups meet regularly in Batemans Bay, Moruya, Tuross Head and Narooma. Monthly tablet groups (iPad and Android) are also held.
For more information visit our website at, or phone 0431 809 073.

Above: Charmaine Fripp demonstrating saving photos and Below: John Allen demonstrating Win 10 options