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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

All Shook Up - Come and be a part of the Bay Theatre Players production

A mysterious leather-jacketed, guitar-playing stranger helps a small Midwestern town discover the magic of romance and the power of rock & roll. ‘All Shook Up’ has a swivelhipped kind of vitality with which audiences can’t help falling in love. It will leave you saying “Thank ya, thank ya very much!” The Bay Theatre Players are looking for people with a variety of skills, including singing, dancing, acting, and behind the scenes assistance such as back stage help including costuming, makeup and set construction. We are looking to fill a cast of 15 - 9 leads along with a variety of on and off stage support opportunities. (Onstage Cast will be required to be ages between 12 and 20 years old). Be a part of your community, develop new skills, make new friends and have some serious fun! An information session will be held at the Bay Playhouse at 33 Gregory Street, Batemans Bay on Sunday March 5 from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Auditions for all on-stage cast will be held on Sunday March 26 from 9:00am to 3:00pm (audition spots need to be booked). Show dates will be 15 to 28 October 2017. If you think you might be interested in being a part of this production, then please come along and find out what all the fuss is about. For further information or to book your audition, please contact Belinda by phone on 0448 830 011 or email All levels of skills and experience are welcome to audition or express interest in being part of this production. ALL SHOOK UP Young@Part® is the authorized 65-70 minute edition of the Broadway musical for elementary and middle schools, and youth theatres. Inspired by and featuring the songs of Elvis Presley, this new version of the show is perfect for kids to perform! Through a series of workshops with industry professionals and actual kids, the Young@Part® musicals are tailor-made for younger actors. Song keys are changed where needed, songs and scenes are edited for time and content, while keeping the spirit of the original Broadway show intact. There are great parts for girls, boys and can feature any size ensemble/chorus, who are featured throughout the show. Inspired by and featuring the song of Elvis Presley®Book by Joe Dipeitro Young@Parttm edition adapted by Marc Tumminelli Y@P tm workshop production by Marc Tumminelli and the Broadway workshop originally workshopped at Hoboken Children’s Theatre Hoboken, Nj, Chase Leyner, director by arrangement with origin tm theatrical on behalf of theatrical rights worldwide, New York Directed by Belinda Quick

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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