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Tuross Head Progress Assoc Dec 2016 meeting minutes

Writer's picture: The BeagleThe Beagle



At Kyla Hall Committee Room, Kyla Sports Precinct, Tuross Head

  1. The Meeting commenced at 1.50 pm with Mr Gary Cooper in the Chair.

Attendees: 23 members

Apologies: 12.

Guests in Attendance. NIL.

The Mayor Liz Innes was not able to attend this month meeting due to other commitments, but has marked in her diary to attend the 2 Feb 17 general meeting, subsequently confirmed by Gabrielle Crowley ESO (Mayor & Councillors) on 12 Dec 16..


  1. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING, AGM held 3rd November 2016 Acceptance: Proposed by Secretary, seconded Fay Beer. CARRIED

  2. BUSINESS ARISING: To be dealt with under separate reports later in the meeting.

  3. TREASURER’s REPORT: Treasurer, Joan Buchan, read out the following financial statement which forms part of the minutes. In summary, as follows:

THPA General Account Balance: @ 1 December 2016$5,204.86

  • Working Account Balance$5,269.86

THPA Cycle/walk Accounts:

Cycleway Working A/c balance as at 1 December 2016 $6,228.60

Receipts: Bank interest Quarter Aug/Sep/Oct

Updated working balance at 1 Dec 16

Payments/Expenses - Outgoings:

Repairs & Amendments to Tuross Historic Plaques

Cycle/walk working balance @ 1 Dec 16 $5,671.00

PlusFixed Term Deposit$

Cycle/walk Accounts Total as at 3 Nov 16:

Total Funds ($5,269.86 plus $25,671.00) as at 1 Dec 16= $30,940.86

Acceptance of the above financial report was proposed by Treasurer (Joan Buchan) and seconded by Joan Flynn. CARRIED

1. The latest figures are 97 x financial THPA members (up from 87 members on 3 Nov 16). John Tilbrook has recruited 69 new members so far since 1 Oct 16 to add to our 28 existing members. The membership drive will continue in 2017. Moved by John Byrne and seconded by Dee Meek that a vote of thanks be recorded in the THPA minutes formally thanking John Tilbrook for his strong endeavours in building up the THPA membership to almost 100 financial members. CARRIED. A round of applause followed.


Given the plethora of Inwards and Outwards correspondence, the majority of which was initiated by the acting Secretary, it was resolved to present a combined register of all Inwards & Outwards correspondence for the month of November 2016 in an accompanying attachment to the Minutes. The aim of this approach was to present both inwards and outwards correspondence grouped into subject topics for ease of reference. Discussion was undertaken in respect of the various correspondences (18 items of Inwards correspondence & 35 items of outwards correspondence). It was moved by the Secretary and seconded by John Byrne that that the report of inwards & outwards correspondence as presented in the circulated summary be accepted.CARRIED.

Gary Cooper moved a vote of thanks to all committee members who helped make 2016 a great success, in particular of long serving Treasurer Joan Buchan.John Tilbrook then made a special mention of Fay Beer & Leonie Beer for the hard work they put in every month in catering for afternoon teas after every general meeting or AGM, and indeed on special occasions, such as publicly invited afternoon spreads such as after the official unveiling of the Tuross Heritage signs last May. It was acknowledged that Joan Buchan was one of the three Musketeers that ensured a wonderful spread on the tables.In appreciation John Tilbrook presented both of the Beer ladies a decorative watering can and two flower pots in bloom to tend to in their Nelson Parade garden.A round of applause followed.

The Chair led the discussion from the floor on the following topics.

a. 90A Hector McWilliam Drive for an all-weather surface pathway along pedestrian access route between 98 Hector McWilliam & Coogee Street so that he can use his quadriplegic wheelchair.

b. The Secretary had pursued Deb Lenson in Council and Nathan Ladmore in the Rangers Office to enforce parking restrictions and issue infringement notices to offenders abusing parking spaces and disability parking zones.

c. .The three priorities for pathways in Tuross were discussed and agreed the No. 1 Priority was the missing link on the Coila lake section between Anderson Avenue and Buchan Bridge. d. Unsafe Children’s playground equipment in Kyla Park Reserve & Evans Road Reserve.Council is yet to action the THPA’s CSR to repair child seats and safety harnesses. e. Road Safety – T Intersection Allenby Road & Beach Street. There are No GIVE WAY signs or any white line markings on this busy intersection. Many cars cut the corner and therefore accidents are likely. Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne the head of the ESC Traffic & Road Safety Committee has acknowledged the THPA concerns. f. New Management Plan for health of Tuross Lake & Coila Lake. Gary Cooper & Lei Parker both spoke on the vague outcome of the ESC presentation on the proposed revised Management Plan which had been poorly constructed, not taking into account the key stakeholders associated with two other allied management plans associated with waterways and estuaries. It has been 10 years since the last extant ESC plan of management. There was no evidence of any cross consultation in what should be the development of a single all-encompassing management plan for the health of the two lakes, the dredging, the opening of lakes, the preservation of fish stocks from commercial fishers’ et al. In summing up the ESC will issue a draft new management plan for comment when it is completed g. Vandalism damage to Norfolk Pine trees on Tuross Boulevarde. The damaged and fallen branches as a result of vandal attacks on two Norfolk Pines were removed and trees tended to by Eurobodalla Tree Services under contract to Council as a result of the CSR submitted to ESC by THPA. h. Main Beach – Clean up of timber & storm debris ahead of tourist season. John Tilbrook was leading the THPA push with Council to clean up the Main Beach before the summer swimming season. He had been liaising with the Tuross Rural Fire Brigade to supervise the burning of piles once approvals had been granted by Council (Warren Sharpe) and the Fire Control HQ. i. Proposed dedication plate for Bench Seat on Nelson Boardwalk & Lookout. A THPA submission was made to Council (Warren Sharpe) on 20 Nov 16 with suggested wording. A further Tuross Heritage Plaque was also suggested, with Gary Cooper to work with Council on the design and content, to include a photo of the official opening. Warren Sharpe is to arrange an on-site meeting with Gary Cooper President THPA before the end of 2016 for resolution on the way ahead. j. Indoor display of framed Tuross Heritage signs. Copies of all heritage signs now hung in the Meeting Room at Kyla Hall. This task was undertaken by John Tilbrook. k. Installation of Coila Beach Bike Rack. Following THPA submission for re-instatement of the THPA funded bike rack to be returned at Coila Beach end of the cycle/walk. As a consequence a new stainless steel Bike Rack has now been installed alongside the new ESC water bubbler at Coila. THPA has since thanked Council for its prompt action and the high quality of this combined public facility. l. Lot 77 Re-Categorisation & update on BBSC Storage Shed. After a key stakeholders meeting called by Council (Kathy Arthur & Ann Nicholson) the BBSC shed will now be built on the site of the existing shed alongside Kyla Hall in Lot 91. It will be shared with the TCG. As such there is no longer a need to call a public forum to debate the re-categorisation of Lot 77 Kyla Park to accommodate the BBSC Shed. Some concern and distrust on this issue was expressed by Mylene Boulting, therefore the Secretary THPA was asked to write to the General Manager & Mayor to make a recommendation to Council not to proceed with any further initiatives to re-categorise Lot 77 from being labelled an area of Cultural Significance to General Community Use as was planned by the past Council. Action required. The Secretary undertook to write a letter to the General Manager (cc’d the Mayor) questioning the need for the Council to pursue the re-categorisation or the need for a public forum on the issue. m. Community Forum at Tuross with Minister Andrew Constance on 21 Nov 16. Lei Parker provided a summation of the forum, which was covered in an article in the newspaper n. Remedial works – Directory Signboard & Tuross History Signs at entrance to Tuross turn-off.The THPA request to ESC to have this area improved as a vehicle layby for orientation of visitors arriving in Tuross.This work has now been completed and THPA has thanked Warren Sharpe for the prompt action ahead of the tourist season. o. Cutting down of Norfolk Pine outside of 257 Hector McWilliam on 23 Nov 16. THPA Secretary investigated this activity with ESC as it was occurring, but the removal of the tree was approved via a DA as the tree was located inside of that residential blocks front boundary, and the roots of the tree were damaging foundation of the cedar constructed house. p. Letter of thanks from Mrs Elaine de Maniel – official opening of Nelson Parade Boardwalk & viewing platform. The Secretary THPA replied to Elaine de Mamiel’s letter with a polite hand-written letter with advice about the proposed bench plate and the Tuross Heritage sign commemorating the history behind the Nelson Parade Boardwalk and the official opening

q. Stafford Dixon Bench Seat, naming thereof when the ex Dulcie Imrie bench seat is relocated on the cycle/walk in Tuross Boulevarde. Wording for a dedication plate for affixing to the ex Imrie bench in recognition of Stafford Dixon’s championing of disabled access facilities in Tuross was lodged with Warren Sharpe ESC. For ease of reference the suggested wording for this bench plate has been included hereunder. Warren Sharpe responded to the Secretary and has stated that he will meet with Gary Cooper on-site before the end of the year to arrive at a decision. The ‘STAFFORD DIXON’ Rest Stop In recognition of his untiring efforts in championing the creation of disabled access facilities within Tuross for the benefit of locals and visitors. The sad irony is that Stafford Dixon is now disabled himself and relies on a mobility scooter to get around Tuross and attend meetings.

r. Skate Facility in Tuross. Lei Parker again stated that funding is not the issue, as once we are advised by Council as to exactly the skate facility design specifications and cost estimates look like, and the facility is to sited, the THPA and Council can chase grant money through out local State and Federal Government members. Lei Parker made the point that Minister Andrew Constance has previously indicated that he assist in pursuing find grant funding, such as was the case for the Basket Ball Court.

Since the AGM, and in following up action on Item 9 of the Minutes, the Secretary wrote to the ESC (Ann Nicholson cc’d Kathy Arthur) requesting advice on the prospect of the Skate Facility, such as the WHERE, WHAT and WHEN so that the issue could be taken up with Minister Andrew Constance at the pending Community Forum set down for 21 Nov 16. Although this Council concept for a Skate Facility in Tuross has been on the Council’s recreational facilities wish list for at least 20 years, Ann Nicholson replied stating that the ESC was not in a position to provide the level of information that we were seeking prior to the end of the year.

Whilst the THPA awaits the ESC response in early 2017 as to WHAT, WHEREand HOW MUCH, the Skate Park sub-committee of the THPA consisting of Lei Parker and Lisa Spies (assisted by John Byrne and Enid Fuller) ,will consult with Tuross parents and children as to what it is they want and what would be the best location.Once the data is received from Council this sub-committee will then pursue all avenues open for funding such a long overdue recreational facility for the youths of the Tuross and visitors to the town.

s. Community Markets in Kyla Hall. The concept of the Community Markets was again debated, and it boils down to the financial feasibility.The Council would charge $230.88 per diem for use of the Kyla Hall & verandah. The Council also requires that all stall holders have their own liability insurance, or alternatively the organiser of the markets, the THPA, must have their extant public liability insurance cover extended to take account the proposed markets. It was resolved that before the next general meeting on 2 Feb 17 the President (Gary Cooper) and/or the JVP (Chris Jones) would contact the Treasurer Joan Buchan for a copy of the extant THPA insurance policy and make inquiries with the insurance underwriters to ascertain the applicable addition premium cost to cover the community market concept. The Council indicated that the experience of other Groups is that the additional premium was around $1,100 per annum.It is envisaged that there would be a maximum of 20 x market stalls and the hire fee would have to more than cover the cost of the Hall hire and the additional insurance premium. The Secretary has spoken to the manager of the Moruya Riverside Markets who advised that his long term stall holders paid a weekly fee of $20 per site, whereas $35 per site was charged for casual market sites. On tabling of the information from the THPA insurer’s the next meeting should be in a position to determine the overall financial feasibility and any potential financial risk to THPA general funds for this suggested fund-raising endeavour.

t. Remedial Work to Coila Lake boat launching pad. As a direct consequence of a THPA Customer Service Request to Council dated 22 Nov 16, which was followed up by a representation to the State Member for Bega, the Council leapt into action and completed the required earthworks to re-instate the boat launching pad at Coila Lake opposite Kyla Hall, with the required work being completed on 25 Nov 16 (3 days later).THPA has thanked Council for its prompt action.

u. Floodlamp – request to reinstate the floodlight at One Tree Point Lookout for security and public safety. On 26 Nov 16 the Secretary THPA made a submission to Council (Warren Sharpe) and the mayoral members for the re-instatement of a Flood Light at One Tree Point, pointing out public safety after dark and Council’s duty of care. No response yet received v. Hand railing – access stairs & steep ramp at access point to Main Beach. On 31 Oct 16 the THPA requested that the earlier CSR for the installation of a pedestrian hand rail on the steep pathway side of the Main Beach access stairs and ramp. On 4 Nov 16 the ESC work crew completed repairs to the existing wooden hand rail on the stairway side of the Main Beach access pathway. On 18 Nov 16 the THPA made representation with photographs to demonstrate that a new handrail was urgently required to be installed on the western side of the steep ramp/pathway. A response to the latter request is still awaited. Action required. This CSR will be pursued by the Secretary in early 2017

w. Volunteer Painting of Public Toilets at Main Beach & Coila Beach. On 22 Nov 16 the THPA made a submission to Council (Warren Sharpe) about the sad state of the Public Toilets at Coila Beach and Main Beach. The ESC response was that nothing was planned before works program FY2019/2020.On 26 Nov 16 the THPA sought Council approval for a volunteer working bee to repaint the dilapidated toilet blocks, and this concept was agreed with the ESC providing the paint and materials.John Tilbrook is now canvassing the THPA, Tuross RFS & Men’s Shed for volunteers for the paint working bee to be held on 5 Dec 16.

x. Eradication of Mirror Bush in Hector McWilliam Park

John Tilbrook has not had any reply to his missive to Council about the Mirror Bush problem along the seafront embankment between #1 and #61 Tuross Boulevarde (between Coila Beach & Stoney Beach Carpark. It was planned to raise a community working bee and Warren Sharpe indicated that if the THPA works hand in hand with their Parks & Horticulture staff the Council will provide the vehicles to take away the Mirror Bush foliage and branches (green waste) to the municipal tip. Any co-ordinated project to rid the sea front embankments of Mirror Bush would need to be deferred until winter, due to the duty of care arising out of the prevalence of venomous snakes being active in the undergrowth in summer months; therefore this project must be put in abeyance until late autumn or early winter. The removal of this infestation of invasive New Zealand species will enhance the aesthetics of Hector McWilliam Park. Some THPA members at the meeting were unfamiliar with this invasive weed, and the secretary undertook to include information about it in the Minutes of the meeting.

y. Rabbit Plague in Tuross Head

The Council has embarked on a program to eradicate feral rabbits by administering poison gas into the burrows. This has had some level of success except that Council can only conduct eradication programs on Council property or Crown land reserves. The difficulty is that a large proportion of the wild rabbit population in Tuross lives and breeds in burrows on private residential properties. The BeagleWeekly has an article on the current actions of Council in eradication.

z. Memorial to 4 drowned persons

The aim of this project is for the THPA to organise for a further Tuross History Plaque to be designed and erected on the tri-angular shaped reserve in Bridges Avenue to record the tragic drowning of 4 persons outside of the Tuross river mouth known to have been buried in (now) unmarked graves. Two victims have so far been identified, George Magill and Thomas Maher who both drowned on 26 March 1867 and they were buried in wooden coffins on the night of 29 March 1867 an area which already had two older marked graves sited under the canopy of a Casuarina grove which is today now bounded on three sides by Bridges Avenue, Chauvel Crescent and Coila lake. A third victim, Frenchman Frederick Maessey, was also drowned on the same date but his body was never recovered.

Hopefully John Byrne, aided by others in the Moruya District Historical Society, may be able to scour records that pre-date the Moruya Examiner to identity the names, dates and the circumstances of death for the other two victims laid to rest in this burial site prior to 1867. It was suggested that the local history Author and former Canberra Times journalist, Jim Macklin, could be approached to join the research into this local Tuross history. Work still in progress.

aa. Possible avenues for Grant Funding

The President raised the issue of seeking ESC funding for some of the THPA projects, but to no avail, Council says the coffers are empty. However, ESC suggested that there could be a NSW Government grant avenue available through our local state Member for Bega (Minister Andrew Constance) for THPA initiated projects such as:

(1) George Bass explorer plaque. To commemorate landing of Lieutenant George Bass (Surgeon & Sailor) and his crew of 6 volunteer Royal Navy oarsmen in their 28 foot whaleboat at the Tuross river mouth and Potato Point beach on 16 December 1797 during his discovery voyage to Western Port Bay (Victoria). Mention is to be made that they were the first pioneer settlers to encounter our local Brinja Yuin aboriginal people. This plinth mounted plaque would be installed on the One-Tree viewing platform or in the One-Tree picnic reserve . Action Required. John Tilbrook is to access the George Bass Journal for this voyage held at National Australian Archives in Canberra.

(2) Hector McWilliam bronze bust (head & shoulders wearing hat) together with brass a commemoration plaque mounted on a plinth of Moruya granite) by local sculpture Terry Fuller. Estimated cost $20k. The Secretary has invited Terry Fuller to draw a preliminary sketch as a basis to developing an overall design prior to seeking state or federal funding.

(3) Kyla Park (West) Boat Ramp. Funding for a new boat ramp in Kyla Park (as already designed by Council). Lei Parker passed on comments that Minister Andrew Constance suggested that the Tuross community should apply for funding for incremental stages of the final boat ramp design. Again, THPA needs to establish from Council as to how the project could be broken down into phases so that this sorely needed additional boat ramp can be built in an area with a bedrock sea floor in an area that is not subject to siltation from sand deposits.

bb. Road safety improvements – T Intersection – Hector McWilliam Drive/Princes Highway

Mylene Boulting again vented her and Fitzroy Boulting’s concerns about the urgent need to improve the public safety at the T intersection of the Princes Highway and Hector McWilliam Drive, as the current traffic arrangement is an ever present risk to the physical integrity of all road users using this intersection or passing this intersection travelling north or south.

The Boulting’s as well as the THPA secretary has spoken to and or has corresponded with both the Federal Member (Ann Sudmalis) and State members (Minister Andrew Constance. The current position is that Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne (Chair of the Eurobodalla Traffic Safety Committee) is working with Warren Sharpe and the head of the RMS for this region to organise an on-site safety audit and to take suggestions from the THPA on what safety improvements suggestions from the local community can be considered. At the time of the meeting it was mooted that the RMS meeting will occur in late 2016 or early 2017.

Update: It has been confirmed that the on-site safety audit meeting will take place on 12 Jan 17 and due to the hazardous location the quorum of the meeting has been restricted to registered attendees by the RMS. Namely the RMS convenor, Nathan Boscaro, Manager Network & Safety Services, RMS headquarters Wollongong, Gary Cooper & John Tilbrook THPA, Deputy Mayor Anthony Mayne (ESC Chair Traffic Committee), Warren Sharpe Director Infrastructure Services & representative from Office of Federal Member for Gilmore representing Ann Sudmalis MP.

9. Community AGREEMENT for future maintenance of Tuross History Signs

The COMMUNITY AGREEMENT that was drafted by Council for the future maintenance of the Tuross Heritage Signs that was presented to the 3 Nov 16 General Meeting of the THPA and agreed by the membership was formally signed on 8 Nov 16 by Warren Sharpe ESC and Gary Cooper THPA. A copy of the signed Community Agreement was to be emailed to all THPA members for information.


On 10 Nov 16 the ESC (Ann Nicholson) convened a meeting at Kyla Park Hall calling for nominations for the new Kyla Hall Management Committee (KHMC) when re-formed. The nominations accepted from members of representing various community groups were Gary Cooper THPA, John Tilbrook THPA, Lisa Spies, Gwyn Singleton, Carol Pratt and David Campbell.


Sometime in November the President THPA (Gary Cooper) wrote to the new Mayor seeking agreement from the new Council to permit the THPA to use the Kyla Hall free of charge for conducting its monthly meetings for the next four year tenure of the Council. The Mayoral Response still awaited.

On 8 Dec 16 the Secretary (John Tilbrook) submitted a request for Hall bookings for the 11 meetings of the THPA schedule in 2017 which have been confirmed by the ESC Booking Office. Those date are 2 Feb 17, 2 Mar 17, 6 Apr 17, 4 May 17, 1 Jun 17, 6 Jul 17, 3 Aug 17, 7 Sep 17, 5 Oct 17 for the AGM, 2 Nov 17 and 7 Dec 17.

The Secretary also advised the Booking Office in writing on 8 Dec 17 that in the past the THPA has had the booking fees waived ($66) by Council as we are the pseudo caretakers of Kyla Hall and are represented on the Kyla Hall Management Committee. The free use of the Hall was the undertaking by the previous Council when the old Tuross Progress Hall was demolished and land sold by Council.


The next Monthly meeting is scheduled for 2:00pm Thursday 2 February 2017.

This meeting was duly closed at 2.45 pm, 1 Dec 16 to partake in Christmas end of year afternoon tea spread for all attendees to enjoy and socialise..

John Tilbrook,

Acting THPA Secretary

1 January 2017 (0100 hrs)


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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