QUAIL season opens May 15th, closes August 31st.
Lieut.-Colonel Hurley (well-known in Moruya as proprietor of Moruya-Tilba “Times,”) has been appointed to the vacancy at the head of Commonwealth Immigration Dept.
THE Austral Starch factory near Nelligen is suspending operations for three months with a view to increase capacity of output.
Mr. Abraham Emmott resumed filling his silo this week, the paddock of corn planted for the purpose developing into a fine heavy crop. About 10 men were hard at work, the chaffing being done by Luck Bros. A portion of the crop is being retained for immediate use in the form of hand feed for the cattle.
DEATH. – Last week end news was received of the serious illness at Portland, from malignant scarlet fever, of Mr. John Sydney Jeffery, youngest son of Mr. John Jeffery of “Greenwood,” Moruya. Hopes, however, were entertained that the young man would see it through; but on Monday evening word came through that the worst had happened, that he had passed away that day. The news came as a shock to the community, where the young man and his aged father and brothers and sisters are held in the highest esteem. Deceased was a bright and promising young man, and bid fair to rise high in the bank service in which he was engaged. …
Personal and Otherwise. – Mr. James McCauley, sen., of Nelligen, is very ill; Medical degree was last week conferred upon H. A. Annetts (Mogo). Congratulations; Mrs. Chewying underwent a serious operation in Sydney this week. At latest she was doing satisfactorily; Miss Edith Steele and Mr. Clyde Heycock were married at Nelligen on 22nd ult.
Moruya Progress Association. The usual monthly meeting took place last Tuesday night. Present – E. J. Egan (chair), J. Hansen, J. Foreman, G. H. James, Rev. G. A. Sanders, Rev. J. B. Fulton, C. Johnston, A. M. Wilson, and Secretary C. Carter. General Business. - … it was agreed that a letter be written to Minister for Lands, asking that the land in front of the Adelaide Hotel be dedicated as a Park and invested in local trustees; … that the Secretary inquire from the Automobile club of New South Wales if they supplied danger signals for use on roads. These danger signals were thought very necessary on the Eurobodalla Shire roads. At present there were hardly any on the dangerous curves along the road; Also agreed that permission from the Shire Council be asked for the Association to have three kerosene lights place in the streets of Moruya; …inform the Shire Council of the Progress Association’s intention with regard to tree planting this year, and also ask if the Council would do their share and plant a few trees along Campbell street.
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