Messrs. E. de Mestre and G. E. Siddall notify in this issue dissolution of partnership in the business of Moruya Refrigerating Works.
PERSONS on the look-out for a comfortable home and an exceptionally rich small farm, will have the opportunity of doing so on next Saturday week, when Mrs. J. Strahan’s property at Mynora will be submitted to auction at the “Examiner” Office by R. H. Harvison. The property includes the far-famed Mynora orchard.
AN extraordinary accident befell Mr. Carter, manager of the Narooma Cheese Factory, on Monday. He was travelling to Bega per motor car when a few miles out of Cobargo a stone was thrown up by one of the wheels and struck him on the forehead, inflicting a nasty wound.
MESSRS. P. Connors and A. E. Graham were the successful tenderers for the contract of carting 800 cubic yards of metal from the Shire stone crusher on to the Bodalla road near Ninderra.
THE following resolution was carried at the Shire Conference : “That the conference enter a strong protest against the unfair condition attaching to the allotment of the main roads grant, namely, encumbering the acceptance of the grant with an obligation on the Council to spend an unreasonably large amount of its own funds in addition on the main roads.”
During recess at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, Empire Day, the children at the local Public School saluted the flag, and addresses were delivered by Mr. R. L. Dawson, President of the Parent’s and Citizens’ Association, Revs. G. A. Sanders and W. N. Whiteman, and patriotic songs rendered by the scholars. To their delight the youngsters were granted half a holiday.
Personal and Otherwise. – Dr. Cutler and his bride have returned and taken up their residence in “Kildare House,” Queen Street.
The banns of marriage of Miss Irene Lawler and Mr. Charles Curtis of Nerrigundah, were read in the Sacred Heart Church, Moruya on Sunday.
Mrs. J. Bishop has leased her Glenduart property to her son, Mr. Greg Bishop, and has decided to reside in town, if a suitable cottage is obtainable.
Dr. M. Stormon, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Stormon, jnr., of Eurobodalla, is home on a visit to his parents. Our clever young medico, who is practicing at Rockdale, is, we understand, shortly to join the benedicts.
Through a fall, Mr. “Ted” Donovan, son of Mrs. M. Donovan, of Gundary and who has been almost totally blind for a number of years, received a severe gash to his face and head. A few hours later serious symptoms manifested themselves and Dr. Quilter ordered the patient’s immediate removal to a Sydney hospital.
an image of Bishop's Corner on the Moruya River.