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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

100 Years Ago March 4th 1922

AMUSU THEATRE. – Pictures and dance every Wednesday. See ‘If Only Jim,’ a Western drama at the Amusu on Wednesday.

Editors Note: you might enjoy this

ANOTHER MILL CLOSED. – Owing to the 44-hour week, which resulted in a considerable decrease in the output, Mr. A. H. Preddey has been compelled to close down his Tuffwood sawmill at the Heads. This means a loss of £80 in spending power per week in this town.

INTERMEDIATE CERTIFICATE. – We are pleased to note that amongst the long list of successful candidates who gained Intermediate Certificates, are the names Miss Ena, only daughter of Mrs. R. N. Carden, and who is a pupil of Loreto Convent School, Normanhurst, and Miss Dorothy Lynch, of Sydney, and a pupil of Bethlehem Ladies’ College, Ashfield.

SAD DEATH. – Very deep sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Clarke, whose only daughter, Jean Nanice, passed away on Wednesday morning. This bright little girl, who was born in Taranaki, N.Z., and was 6 ½ years of age, was about five months ago operated on for adenoids and tonsilitis. Another operation, however, was deemed necessary, this being performed by Dr. Cutler on Wednesday, but when coming out of the anesthetic the patient collapsed and died from heart failure. The funeral took place on Thursday morning. …

SHOW BALL. – The Show Ball, which took place in the Amusu Theatre on the first night of the annual exhibition, was well attended. Mr. C. de Saxe officiated in his usual courteous manner as M.C. and Miss Kurz and Mr. J. Buckley rendered their customary harmonious strains of music. Under the capable management of the wives, sisters and friends of the committee a recherche supper was set before the patrons. The door takings amounted to £16 15s.

RECOVERING. – We are pleased to report that Miss S. Cannon, of Mynora, under the care of Dr. Cutler, is progressing satisfactorily after her recent severe accident, through a horse getting out of control of its rider, - Cragon (who was returning to Mr. A. Louttit’s on the second day of the Show) and galloping over her. The victim had a number of teeth knocked out, her face lacerated and her body considerably bruised, as well as sustaining a shock to her system.

NERRIGUNDAH. – (From our Correspondent) At Nerrigundah on Tuesday, 14th inst., the following cases were heard in the local Court House before Mr. Shropshire, P.M.: Commissioner of Taxation v. F. Davidge – Fined £5, 8s costs, and 7s 6d witness expenses; Commissioner of Taxation v. D. Constable – Fined £2, 8s costs, and 7s 6d witness expenses; Commissioner of Taxation v. W. Lavis – Fined £3, 8s costs, and 7s 6d witness expenses; Commissioner of Taxation v. T. S. O’Grady – Fined £2, 8s costs, and 7s witness expenses.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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