THE death of an eight-months old child of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Berriman of Turlinjah, from an infantile ailment, occurred on Sunday last.
MR. P. H. Mills, C.P.S. has kindly supplied us with the following vital statistics for the quarter ending 30/6/’22: - Births, 22; deaths, 5; marriages, 8; total, 35.
ON Wednesday Mr. R. Toms, of the London College of Music, examined the pupils of Mrs. A. H. Preddey with the following excellent results: - Thelma Cheeseman (Senior) First-class pass, Florence Bartlett (Intermediate) First-class pass, Marie Preddy (Intermediate) Honors, Leila Jenner (Intermediate) Honors. Mrs. Preddey’s ability as a teacher of music is proven by the fact that under her tuition not one of her pupils has yet failed in an examination.
R. H. Harvison and H. T. Thomson, conjointly, report having sold by auction on Saturday last and privately during the week the following properties on account of Mr. J. McKeon: - Allotment 6 in Vulcan St., to Mr. A. H. Preddey, at £120; allotments 1 and 3, in same street, to Mr. A. H. Weatherby, at £475; allotments 1, 2, 3 and 4, of section 42, containing 8 acres, to Mr. A. F. Emmott, at £80; a 60 acre paddock on the Moruya-Bergalia road, to Mr. J. Hansen, at £360. …
THE football match between Bodalla and Mogo played last Saturday at Mogo resulted in a win for Bodalla by 6 to 5. J. Donnelly and T. Grumley scored for Bodalla. During the game one of the Bodalla boys W. Smith hurt his collar bone. Mr. Molloy refereed the game.
Miss Clara Coman, of Candelo, who, with her aunt, Miss Coman, of Eurobodalla, is on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. Heffernan of Yarragee, had the misfortune on Tuesday, through tripping and falling over the buggy shaft, to break her wrist. Dr. Cutler set the injured member and the patient is progressing satisfactorily.
MR. “Dick” Sebbens has opened a boot-repairing shop in the premises recently occupied by K. Matsen. Mr. Sebbens is also prepared to sharpen saws and repair bicycles.
THE marriage was celebrated at St. Peters’ Church on Saturday afternoon of Miss Nellie Corrigan, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Corrigan, of Redfern, late of Moruya, (grand-daughter of Mrs. C. Constable, Moruya) and Mr. James Pearce, youngest son of Mrs. Pearce, and the late Mr. Pearce, of the Public Works Department, Albury. …
APOLOGY. – I, David Coppin, of Gundary, hereby withdraw any expression that may have been uttered by me in Mr. Martin Keating’s Butcher’s Shop as to the meat provided not being fit for human consumption. D. COPPIN. Witness: D. A. POLLOCK, Solicitor, Moruya.