THREE farms in Tilba district experienced an outbreak of pleuro among their cattle, resulting in the death of several cows. Strict steps for isolation were taken, with the result that infection was checked. It is stated that all danger of any further loss by the disease is now over.
A SIGHT WORTH SEEING. – Beautiful Xmas Cakes, all shapes and sizes, dressed and undressed, in Mylott’s windows. Don’t miss one in order to spend a Merry Xmas.
AT the age of 23 years, Patrick, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Donnelly, died at his parents residence, Bergalia, on Monday. Deceased had been in a delicate state of health from childhood, and very deep sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs. Donnelly in their sorrow. …
A MIRACULOUS escape from a terrible fatality occurred on the Clyde River on Sunday. Mr. Walter Ison, with his little son and two companions, was in a boat on his way down river, when a charge a dynamite – which he was carrying – exploded, shattering his right hand. Unaware that the fuse was alight, Ison was searching in his pockets for a match, when the charge exploded. The little boy received nasty gashes in his face, caused, it is surmised, from the splintered bones of his father’s hands, and despite his injuries the brave little lad rowed the boat until he reached help, the other occupants of the craft being in a dazed condition owing to concussion. Through the kindness of the Captain of the I.S.N. Co’s steamer, who brought the victim to Bateman’s Bay, and Mr. Annetts conveying him in his motor car the remainder of the journey, Mr. Ison was in the Moruya Hospital within two hours from the time of the accident. Dr. Cutler successfully amputated the injured member. Much sympathy is felt for the victim, who will now be prevented from following his usual occupation as a Shire maintenance hand.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.

[Examiner 8- 8 -1958. – At the age of 75 Walter (Wally) Ison was honored for 50 years of service to the Eurobodalla Shire. Council Staff and Councillors, at a dinner at the Monach Hotel, presented him with a Ranleigh tray, and water jug and glasses. He was referred to as “one of our most valued staff” in the speeches, “despite losing his right hand and half his forearm” in 1922.
“He was soon back on the job with a hook on the end of his stump and improvised methods of handling pick, shovel and axe.”
“Today, as a ganger, Wally is entitled to take it easy. But not him. He gets out before his gang and sets the pace for the young fellows and only the best of them can keep up with him.”]