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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

100 Years Ago 4th February 1922

OUR STREETS. – The Shire Council’s maintenance man has been giving some slight attention to the water-tables in our main streets, which have been considerably choked up by the silt washed down by the late heavy rains. Campbell Street, which carries more traffic, vehicular and pedestrian, than any other street in town, bar the main South Coast road, Vulcan Street, is getting badly in need of fresh repairs.

DANGEROUS. – The attention of the Shire Engineer Dawson is urgently directed to a dangerous hole (in which someone has thoughtfully inserted a large branch of a tree as a warning) in a plank of the Malabar bridge.

AN open season has been proclaimed for wallabies till 31st July, 1922, in the parishes of Benandra, East Nelligen, Kioloa, Clyde, Termeil, Albert, Boyne, Woodburn, Croobyar, Ulladulla, Little Forest and Conjola.

HELLO! – By ringing up ‘phone 48 you can order a box of Hilliers’ choice chocolates, as the progressive proprietor of the Shamrock Café has now installed the instrument of speedy communication.

COALITION CANDIDATES. – At meetings held at Bega, Bermagui, Central Tilba, Narooma and Moruya it was unanimously decided to support the Coalition candidates, Messrs. Bate and Perkins. Similar motions were carried at Nowra and Milton.

GOOD NEWS. – Both Mr. Fenning’s sawmill and the spoke factory at Bateman’s Bay, re-started operations on Monday last, after an idleness of some considerable duration. This is truly good news for residents of Bateman’s Bay and the other centres surrounding it.

NELLIGEN ROAD. – A gentleman who arrived in Moruya from Braidwood on Monday, via Nelligen, asks us to draw the special attention of the Eurobodalla Shire Council to the very dangerous state of the creeks on the road between Nelligen village and the Nelligen Mountain. The first creek, coming from Braidwood, just under the mountain, and known as Anderson’s Creek, has been washed out by the late heavy rains, leaving a deep and dangerous hole, out of which cars and other conveyances have to be extricated by means of horse and bullock teams. Mr. Anderson, who resides not far distant, our informant assures us, is kept constantly going, warning travellers and showing them the way -when he is in time- or assisting the unfortunates who get into trouble.

BODALLA ESTATE. – The survey work in connection with the proposed cutting up of the Bodalla Estate is evidently finished, as Mr. Little, the officer in charge of the survey party, passed through Moruya last week on his way to Sydney.

BATEMAN’S BAY. – (From Our Correspondent.) An officer of the Department of Public Works has been busy taking notes of the Clyde estuary. The bar has greatly silted up latterly and a visit from the dredge is urgently needed; Several increases have swelled the birthrate here, viz.: Mrs. H. Strong a daughter, Mrs. J. Latty a daughter, and Mrs. H. Dunne a daughter. All are doing well; The following pupils were successful at the late Q.C. exam, viz.: Alma Annetts, Jean Stephens, Essie Ison, Joseph Patrech, T. W. Smith.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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