ILLNESS. – Mr. George Turner or “Lynnwood,” Moruya, whose life was despaired of a few days ago has, we are pleased to state, taken a turn for the better.
THE “SHAMROCK.” – Mr. R. W. Hilliers, proprietor of the Shamrock Café, Vulcan Street, Moruya, has been appointed sole agent for Messrs. Atcherley & Dawson, tea, coffee and cocoa merchants, Sydney. Mr. Hilliers has spent a considerable time in Ceylon and China and knows the value of good tea. He conveys to his clients his warmest thanks for their support and goodwill and assures them of his best effort to maintain that cordial relationship in the year that is to come.
ST. JOHN’S CHURCH. – The parishioners of St. John’s Church, under the organization of Miss Ilma Walter, took advantage of the Christmas Festival to show their appreciation of their three honorary organists – Mesdames Preddy, Gregg and Sanders. … Mr. Dawson asked each to accept a pair of handsome silver vases, inscribed, as a little outward expression of their gratitude. Mr. de Saxe also spoke, and after the ladies responded the meeting concluded with the Doxology.
RAINFALL. – Since our last issue Moruya has been blessed with bountiful rains; … 513 points for the month [181 mm].
MEMORIAL SERVICE. - …for the late Mrs. Mary Ann Mason was held at the Methodist Church, December 11th. Mrs. Mason, nee Sisley, was born in Sussex in the year 1842. Her father, a man of sterling character, died whilst she was quite young. She emigrated to Australia with her mother and brother Jacob in the year 1855. On reaching these shores Mrs. Sisley and her two children at once went to Yarragee, where Mr. Jacob Luck (brother of Mrs. Sisley) was already residing. After a short stay there a removal was made to Kiora. Soon after Jacob Sisley was called to the Great Beyond. Mother and daughter … came to Moruya when the daughter was 22. At the age of 28 she married Mr. Giles Mason, who pre-deceased her by eight or nine years.
AMUSU THEATRE. – Realising the necessity of a larger Hall in our town, Mr. A. H. Preddy, one of Moruya’s most enterprising and energetic citizens, purchased an allotment of land opposite Keating’s Hotel in Vulcan Street, and erected thereon a fine capacious building alongside his motor garage. The Hall, which is entitled “Amusu” Theatre, is composed of hardwood and fibro-cement, its dimensions being 117x35 ft., with a 35x12 supper-room attached.

Above: image of the Amusu Theatre and Preddy's garage next door.
ADVERTISMENT. – BIG DAY’S SPORTS AT MOGO On New Year’s Day. LOCAL WOODCHOP, SHEFFIELD HANDICAP AND OTHER EVENTS. You will be glad you happened along! Ball at Night! A. J. ANNETTS, Hon. Sec.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.