LOSS. – Mr. A. F. Louttit, one of Mullenderree’s most progressive farmers, informs us that owing to the heavy hailstorm and depredations made by caterpillars, his harvest of corn this season, which cost him about £50, will only be worth £5.
CONGRATULATIONS to Master Alan White, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dawson, on securing a bursary in the Q.C. examination held in Moruya in November last.
BRIDGE SAVED. – On Sunday morning whilst crossing Malabar Bridge Mr. A. W. Constable discovered it was on fire. Fortunately, he had a large can in his trap, with which he carried water from the river, and with assistance of a rabbit-trapper, who at that moment happened along, soon had the fire extinguished. In another few minutes the whole of the bridge decking would have been consumed as a south-west gale was blowing at the time, fanning the flames which were rapidly spreading along the dry planks.
NEW CAR. – Mr. J. Hansen, who left for Sydney on Sunday, accompanied by Mr. A. H. Weatherby, returned on Tuesday with his new purchase, a handsome Buick car, a 6-cylinder 1922 model.
BACHELORS’ BALL. – Very successful was the Ball promoted by the Bachelors of the town and held in the Amusu Theatre on Tuesday night, the proceeds of which goes to the funds of our worthy institution, the Hospital. There was a splendid attendance, visitors from many of the out-side centres being present, no less than 18 from Bodalla patronizing. Mr. Les Walker, who acted as Secretary, made an efficient M.C. During the evening a chocolate waltzing competition created considerable interest. After a keen contest Miss Dora Motbey and her partner, Mr. Cecil Taylor were declared the winners, a handsome box of chocolates being presented to the young lady. At midnight the patrons sat down to a delectable supper supplied by the mothers, sisters and sweethearts of the Bachelors, these young gentlemen assiduously waiting on the tables.
MOGO. – (From our Correspondent.) … Buckenboura, under the Dixon Trust, is forging ahead. The wattle bark industry is in full blast. Approaching this spot through miles of wild bush and barren land one is struck with the picture that unfolds – a view of fertile soil and prolific, rain-refreshed grass, encased in mountain range forming a gigantic field. The trust is to be complimented on the possession of this fair arcadia, and it is hoped that in the not far hence many families will be settled there. … As predicted the kiddies got a fair go with the travelling dentist and numerous needs were met – a yield to reason on the part of the Education Department, and we thank them.
Above: an
image of Norm Dickson's 1923 Buick.