Publicans are reminded that R. B. Heffernan will offer for sale, to-day at 2.30 p.m., at Carden’s Hotel, the booth for the forthcoming Ploughing Match.
A committee meeting of the Moruya Race Club was held on Tuesday night. In the absence of the President (Mr. J. McKeon) Mr. J. R. Milne was voted to the chair, the other members present being Messrs. R. N. Bull, R. H. Harvison, P. J. Mylott. H. McIntosh, A. W. Constable and Secretary F. Flanagan. … It was decided that £45 be allotted for prize money for the spring meeting on 31st Oct.
The annual meeting of the Moruya Golf Club took place on Tuesday night. … Messrs. P. J. Feneley and A. Loutitt were proposed as new members of the club. Election of officers for the ensuing year: President, Dr. Quilter; Vice-president, Mr. E. A. H. Shepherd; Secretary, Mr. C. Carter; Treasurer, Mr. P. Mills. It was decided to affiliate with the Country and Suburban Golf Association.
What should prove a boon to motorists has been invented – an inner-tube for the tyres of motor and other vehicles will, it is claimed, withstand being pricked by nails, glass or knives. Every puncture is automatically sealed.
An advertisement for Michelin Tyres from 1920's newspapers
We are pleased to note that our civic bodies are again endeavoring to beautify Cambell St. by continuing the planting of an avenue of pittosporums and silky oaks. The Shire Council has replaced the trees which died in front of the offices, and has erected neat wooden and wire guards around same. Owing to want of funds the Progress Association can only protect the trees planted by it with unsightly palings. …
A tennis match which caused a great deal of interest was played between Nerrigundah and “Thistlewood” on the former’s court last Saturday, and resulted in a win for “Thistlewood” by four sets. The return match is to be played on Saturday week when another pleasant time is looked forward to. “Thistlewood” is represented by players off Mr. W. Lavis’ Eurobodalla court.
Catholic Bazaar. The hum of keen business holds sway this week at the Mechanic’s Hall, where a bazaar in aid of the Catholic Church funds is in progress. On Wednesday afternoon when the official opening took place the building had been transformed into a fairyland of gay stalls and colors, and the scene was enhanced by the glistening silver and glass ware with which the stalls were well laden.
The introducing remarks at the opening ceremony were made by the Rev. Father McCormack, who spoke highly of the energy displayed by the ladies in their preparatory work and wished them every success during the five night’s sales. … The busy bees then began their art of extracting the coins of the King’s Realm from the pockets and bags of their customers.
Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.