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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

100 Years Ago - 18th November 1922

BUSH fires have been raging on the Yarragee range during the week.

THERE should be some good hay harvested this season, judging by the excellence of the standing crops in the district.

MR. Rolfe Brice has purchased and has now located at Narooma four fine new rowing boats. His enterprise in catering for fishing and tourist parties is worthy of support.

HEARTY congratulations to Mr. John Ingold, Bodalla, on his 82nd birthday, which falls today. Jack is hale and hearty … and claims to have been the first man to take up land at Termeil, the correct name for which, he says, is Thyme Hill. Mr. Ingold landed in this country at the age of 28. [c.1868]

AT the Warden’s Court, Moruya, on Wednesday, Daniel Slade was granted authority to enter on Deua River and on about 100 acres of private land adjoining, in connection with dredging operations shortly to be undertaken by him. It is anticipated that the syndicate represented

IT is found that the kiosk in the centre of the show ring on the Moruya Park greatly obstructs the timekeeper’s view of the start of a race at the 4 furlong post, and at a recent race meeting this fault was pointed out to the A. & P. Society’s Vice-Presidents, Messrs. Flood and Milne, who promised to place the matter before their committee.

ON Thursday morning some senseless person tied a rope across the Bullock Hole culvert from handrail to handrail with the result that a school-boy, riding to school on his bicycle, did not observe the obstruction in time to check his speed and suffered a nasty fall over it. Enquiries are being made, as such an action as this is deserving of punishment should the culprit, or culprits, be discovered.

MORUYA COTTAGE HOSPITAL. – Reports: Report of the recent Hospital Ball showing a net return of £70 was received and a motion was passed returning thanks to the Secretary, Mrs. A. W. Constable, and the ladies committee for their fine effort.

Visiting Committee reported visiting the Hospital on 18th instant and found all going satisfactorily. There were five patients, including one in the isolation ward. Owing to the number of patients, some of whom required constant attention, the services of someone to do washing was recommended to be obtained. Messrs. Luck Bros. have cut up a couple of months’ supply of firewood which is required to be split up. Flooring boards in verandah destroyed by white ants are required to be renewed. A new enamelled iron bath is now required and the bathroom covered with lead to comply with the requirements of the Board of Health. … New wire gauze required for safe. Moved that the requirements detailed therein be carried out.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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