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  • Writer's pictureThe Beagle

100 Years Ago 18th August 1923

Motbey and party are sinking on their new reef near Mt. Utopia. It is maintaining the excellent prospects with which it opened up. Close alongside is a big “blue” reef, also carrying gold. This latter is increasing in width as it goes down.

Smith and Welsh have made a splendid job of their contract for metaling and binding on about three-quarters of the road between Tilba and Central Tilba. Motorists say that it is one of the best pieces of road in Eurobodalla Shire. The Shire Engineer was so pleased with the road that he complimented the contractors.

The far-famed North-West, which could support millions, lost nearly 5000 people in the census period; the South Coast lost 4450; the Central Tablelands 9254; the Southern Tablelands 5430; the Central Western Slopes 11,013; and the North-West Plains 4960. While the rural population is decreasing alarmingly, the city population is increasing abnormally.

The Mechanics’ Institute having granted the use of the ground, the Moruya Tennis Club has pegged out the position for its third court. Mr. W. Luther obtained the contract for gravelling same.

Mr. A. Ison notifies that he has disposed of his butchering business at Bergalia to Mr. H. J. Thomson, who will take over on 1st Sept.

Unless we get 8 or 10 inches of rain very soon, the water supply will be a serious problem. Even now there is little or no water in the creeks and wells. Our rainfall is 10 inches below the average.

Mr. H. Malone, who runs a passenger service between here and Goulburn, has placed on the line a handsome Studebaker model which is certainly par excellence in appearance. Comparisons are indeed odious when we consider the luxurious mode of travelling now-a-days to that when poor old “Neddie” Corrigan carried his “fare” in an ancient coach with slow horses and string repaired harness.

Eurobodalla Shire. At the monthly meeting the President, Mr. T. Flood, Crs. A. H. Annetts, R. J. Anderson, H. J. Bate and A. Sutherland were present. Correspondence: From Bateman’s Bay Progress Association re pump for Camp Street well. The Engineer was instructed to purchase a suitable pump; From Moruya Progress Association re trees and tree planting. Permission was granted to plant the trees and to erect the guards, all work to be done to the satisfaction of the Shire Engineer; From W. J. Crapp. Central Tilba re purchase of Res. 185 Parish Narooma. The Council has no objection to the purchase of the Reserve; From A. H. Costin, Narooma, forwarding plan of subdivision of property for approval. The Council did not give approval as the lanes between a number of allotments were considered too narrow; From A. J. Annetts and others, Mogo, re erection of bathing sheds. Consideration was held over pending further information.

Extracted from the Moruya Examiner by the Moruya and District Historical Society Inc.


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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